Why a Shadow Lord shouldn't do a quad ultra?

Your measure is a bit dishonest, you should plot those data points if you want to see how close Gargos is to the max vs the min. He looks middle of the pack but 9.3 seconds is a lot closer to the max (12 seconds) than it is to the min (5.5 seconds).

Also, I think you’re measuring the wrong thing. Gargos’s quad ultra is easily the longest (reliable to execute) ultra sequence in the game when you count all the extensions he does and the length of his shadow moves and such. That doesn’t come through in just a raw measure of the ultra animation.

Frankly I can’t believe there are people who think most/every fight ending with a 90 second unskippable cutscene is a good thing. It’s one of the most obnoxious parts of the entire KI experience. I like watching stylish ultras in combo videos on youtube, so they shouldn’t remove the ability for the characters to perform them, but they should really find a way to reduce it in ranked matches.


How is it dishonest when i’m plotting out what I saw? Dishonesty means i’m lying and i’m not, you’re confusing it with the possibility of ignorance which is way more likely.

Regardless, if we’re counting in Shadow moves as well, Aganos feels equal to the amount of time it takes for that recapture using his shadow rock fall as it is to Gargos’ teleport burst.

If people are so sore about a Gargos quad being a thing why even have quads to begin with? Or “90 second unskippable cutscenes” as well. Clearly it’s either give it back to Gargos or remove Quad capabilities from everyone.

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Dishonest probably the wrong word, sorry. I just mean, your data doesn’t paint the full picture.

Remove it from everyone is the obvious choice IMO. But they started with Gargos because the insane length of his really exacerbated the problem.

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That’s not a nerf. Nothing about gargos is worse now that he can’t spend the length of a match jacking himself off if he gets a win.

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Well I mean if they did that then it’s fair game. I wouldn’t be as sore as I am about it. It just feels like an unjustified takeaway for something that’s been a thing for years with other characters.

Then what justifies other characters jacking themselves off with a quad?

Nothing. It should be removed from the game entirely. Double ultras, quad ultras, I don’t even like seeing single ultras, but since there are people that DO I’ll settle for all quads going.

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That’s fair. If they do that in the future then it’ll be fine. But I just don’t see the sense in taking it away from one character if they’ll let the others slide away with it. Single and doubles though will never fade lol.

He was one of two characters that got any non-bugfix adjustments at all in 3.3.1. Plenty more could change in 3.4.

From a different thread…

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it concerns me because if somehow the devs decide to bring ultimates to the game people might get mad as some are overreacting and taking it with a grain of salt once they took a triple ultra.
I can see people asking to remove them from the game. People confounds KI w/ SF buf they’re very different. KI has finishers and perhaps deadly executions are coming this way for the game. Haters are everywere but when they are teabagged or when a jumbo ultra happens against them they grow insane. Oh my these corny feelings… It’s just sad how they don’t understand. After all its just a game.

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It’s not about feeling offended that my opponent would dare mock me with teabagging or taunting or an ultra or whatever. That’s stupid. It’s a matter of not wasting my time. I don’t play this game in short sessions, I want to play FT20s or FT30s or FT50s with people and if they’re doing ultras it makes the experience a pain because so much time is being wasted between matches.

I get that it’s just a game. I want to play the game, not watch it. There’s nothing more frustrating than coming across a good player that still hasn’t gotten over doing ultras.

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I still wish Gargos was able to at least recapture once to do a third Ultra like some of the characters in the cast.

Aside from all person to person feelings, it’s a blast to do against the CPU with your stereo cranked up.


I want ultimate kyle ai to extend their ultra combos to their maximum, plus combos overall.

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omg. Please let Gargos do his recapture at least on off-line.

Well I did find a Gargos Sabrewulf ultra stun :slight_smile: