Who wants to Learn?

I’m willing to teach people who wanna buckle down and get decent with Shadow Jago. There aren’t many people who main him. I know a lot of people hate him pulling together analytics and such. Will keep people updated. My GT HYPEBEAMx2 add me so we can get you certified


I wouldnt mind getting to now him better, today I dont have the time however, I added your gamertag

Please add me so we can play and I can get better with him PTYTGreenkraken

I got you both gimme a couple days been dealing with internet problems as soon as that up I’ll let you both know

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Right on man thx

I’d love a long set sometime if we can get decent connection, not to learn the character but the MU, if you’d be willing =)

your name looks familiar have we met before?

Anyways i added u on my friends list. Plz teach me how to shago!

Naw man I’m Sundowner/HYPEBEAMx2 I’d be glad to help let me get my internet situated

Whats your tag?? Lets Shago!! mine is PTYGreenkraken

Did you get that internet running?