Which Character Would be the Best With Infinite Instinct?

Funny ARIA’s the only one who can counter raam’s instinct due to her health bars.

Well, Mira can do something similar.

She could land the vampire mist for equal results, spamming vampires to avoid being catch. Also, she would recover her black life into normal health, not potential, so she could(taking risks), negate Raam’s instinct while applying hers in the same way

Well raam’s is ever present. Mira’s only if not hit. But possible though.

Isn’t raam’s technically the same too since the PD stops buliding when he’s hit.

Orchid can do the same, that firecat spam os a pain.

Mine is Kim Wu, TJ Combo and Rash.


Kim, because she has a LOT of potential for mix-ups and crazy pressure with them. Unlimited dragons, she could zone, pressure, close space, cancel. She would probably be near hard to block.

Rash, because being able to call out a speeder bike at anytime to cancel whatever you are doing for an unbreakable stagger hit. While someone could say Orchid does this better, I think Rash’s is scarier due to his insane mobility. He could instantly cross up and such. Plus, with his already good tool-kit, he’d be crazy!

TJ is my first pick, because he is NUTS in instinct. Every move he has becomes significantly faster. Able to create tight frame traps, mix-ups, create combos that can not work normally, and never let the pressure down, with stylish juggles not able to be done without it? It’s amazing!

It’s very underrated and under used.

My picks. :slight_smile:

Does it? Coulda sworn it just keeps going till it ends.

No. If Raam is hit while in instinct, the PD stops building. If it kept going Raam would have been OP.

Guess my memory is foggy on that one then.

As stated in the OP, Gargos is omitted from this contest because of his stoneskin explosion and how that would have to play with the concept of “infinite” instinct. I meant to omit all characters with instincts that can be drained in “chunks” (Gargos, Shago, Tusk)

I honestly forgot Aria could cancel hers as well, so for the sake of sanity we will assume that she’s simply stuck in her 3-form body for the duration - so no instinct cancels->reactivation->shenanigans. And just so everyone remembers, while Aria takes reduced damage in instinct, she will still die if the main body is killed. Near-dead drone damage soak would not come into play here, as all bodies would have taken equal damage for the duration of the fight, meaning the secondary bodies die alongside the main body. I believe her overall health would more or less work out to having 200% represented in a single bar.

As a note, I think that a good general framework to labor under for this thought exercise is this:

  • How does this instinct affect pressure/the ability to open the opponent up?

  • How does this instinct affect expected life swing upon hit?

  • How does this instinct affect the neutral? Does it help the character control the screen and the space in it?

  • How does this instinct affect defense? Does the instinct make it harder for the character to be opened up in the first place?

I think examining the question under this framework provides a good “bird’s eye” look at how all the different instincts could play against one another, and under them I think a few key characters stand out.

Tusk for instance (who by rights shouldn’t have been in this discussion) gains functionally infinite pressure and incredible neutral control, as well as airtight defense because he can cancel DP->safe special->more pressure. He gains no extra life swing in instinct, but because he hits like a truck anyway that is less than despositive of his overall placement. He’s functionally S+ in almost everything if he has an infinite, non-draining instinct.

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How exactly?

Sadira has my vote… infinite webs, infinite jump cancels, extended combos…

She could keep the pressure, make unsafe attacks safe, and continuously create hard to break combos. One chance to break combos for weeks.

Sadly, she break the game.

Definitely eyedol, his instinct makes him the best character. Also, infinite hype beams with fulgore FTW!

Not really infinite because you still have to charge it up, but you get it faster than normal.

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Oh no you can’t leave out her isolate function on her instinct. Oh no…that’s handicapping. Either she gets it (as does gargos) or she’s excluded. Pick one. :confused:

How can tusk’s instinct be drained in “chunks”? (Haven’t played that much with tusk so I don’t know how his instinct works.)

Whenever Tusk cancels a special move into another it costs him a chunk of instinct

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Then she isn’t in the running. No “leave instinct and then go back into it” moves.

Because what? Saying it’s stupid just because is not a good reason why. We’re all just fun here.