Where's my Gargos cinematic?

Already beat Gargos using err Gargos, but the cinematic didn’t unlock. Please have a look, @developers

I managed to get it. Did you make sure that Gargos was the one who finished him off?

The real question:was Gargos the captain?

I’m in the same boat actually. I’ve beaten Gargos with Gargos at least 5 times, and still don’t have the cinematic. I got the mimic skin, but yeah, no clue why the cinematic hasn’t unlocked.

Actually, I have at least 2 other cinematics that haven’t unlocked as well. I assume they are the full buff Gargos cinematic, and the partial buff Gargos cinematic. There are 2 main story cinematics that are just enigmaticly locked.

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You have to beat Gargos with Gargos. That’s how I got it.

Gargos just has to be the captain.

No, he was on the bench waiting for his go. :frowning:

I’m also missing those.

So does he have to be the captain, or just finishing it off? Or both?

I did both, I only got it when he was captain and killed Gargos. So I would just run with that. It is a lot easier if you widdle him down with someone else then finish it with Gargos.


Thanks, guys!

it can now be unlocked but you have to go through the requirements again

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I’ll have to try it out again.

Yeah shouldn’t be too hard even with the buffs https://youtu.be/YRs_oU4Ab6s

What exactly are the requirements again?

Beat Gargos with Gargos, also Eyedol have his own cutscene when HE beats Gargos (you don’t need to have any of those two as the captain, but is a better idea to have Gargos as a captain for his cutscene and Eyedol for his own version).

I was asking about the world cutscenes. Gargos at full power and whatnot. The 2 that haven’t been able to be unlocked yet.

That’s rare, before the update I was not able to unlock them, but yesterday after installing the update I just defeated Gargos on each case and the cutscenes stayed unlocked. Could it be that is still glitched?

Dunno, I’ll try again when I can. I’ve also always skipped the cutscene? Maybe I have to watch it?