What will happen to our current shadows when season 3 launches?

I ask this because we know every character will receive some sort of change and chances are some of them will as as drastic as Fulgore S1->S2. With that in mind, the shadows we currently have could be working off of data that won’t possibly be able to function in S3. For example, Fulgore had his charge command removed from S1->S2, so if shadows had been made while the charge was still around, what would the shadow do with it gone? So I’m curious @TheKeits , What will happen to our current shadows when season 3 launches?

This is something I honestly didn’t think about, but in the end, is it really that big of a concern? I don’t think it’s really all that hard to re-train a new shadow. I did it with Aganos, and if anything, he’s a lot better for it. :wink:

I’m just curious what will happen, that’s all.