What it takes to make Ultimate Combo work on every stage?

I don’t think the air launching is the problem, it’s how the data for the ultimate is coded. Right now it is coded as part of Shadow Tiger’s lair, not a part of Shago himself. To make it work for all stages they need to change how it works and that takes a lot of effort on their part and that requires time and money. Honestly they aren’t committed to adding them, they’re just giving us this one as a bonus because its a part of Boss Shago, not because they intend to do more.

ya. were just going to play an infinite army of shagos on shadow lair level. Id rather be in purgatory.

this is not enough to feed our hunger for ultimates on new KI.

Before we even consider ultimates in this iteration of KI, how about getting proper Stage knockoffs with a camera that FOLLOWS the character as they fall. I’m sorry but Arias “knockoff” is beyond pathetic. It should at least follow the character in Aria and Combos stage. Oh yea and didnt they mention they were adding an announcement to the stage knockoffs?