What exactly is happening

Ok. We all know of the infamous Checking Downloadable Content screen. Now here is the question. What exactly is going on here? Why does it take so long? Wow. It was two questions.

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It takes FOREVER!!! And I was thinking it was just me.

I found out, that when you start the game offline it will be very fast.


Another thing. If I connect to Wi-Fi but I can’t connect to the dlc then I can’t use it. However if I’m offline then the game will let me use the dlc from where it last saved.

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Yes, I’d like some confirmation on this myself as I’m curious.

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Ok. @developers Some clarification would be nice. Can you please explain or do you not know? This screen is bothering me a lot especially when it takes over 10 min.

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it’s never taken me 10 minutes, maybe 60 seconds max. But the music is bumpin so I’m usually dancing in my seat in anticipation. no joke. I also have a new account w supreme edition with relatively few characters leveled so maybe there’s just not a lot of stuff to check for me