What can be done to make women feel more included in the FGC?

I agree with what you said. I don’t like talking to random players (eg Gears of War, since I don’t like talking in fighting games because I find it distracting, so I mute everybody in the select screen) but when I did talk few words it wasn’t that bad. Maybe because they way I talk, I don’t know, it’s obvious that my devotion is put into the game and what I’m doing and I don’t pay attention to any question that has nothing to do with the match. But if you ask me, I rather not talk because of some strange reactions on some players. However I believe is not the mayority.

PS: Lol, I saw those girls. I was curious of how they played. I didn’t stay much because it wasn’t the gameplay I was expecting. But I didn’t now they were asking for money O.o.

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I play games with several women, including my wife. None of them ever use voice chat or mention that they’re girls because they’re afraid of the way they’ll be treated if they do. I don’t think they’re the only ones.

Oh definately. The moment a girl spoke on ventrillo in a guild every sucker was tryinf to marry her.

You wanna talk about thirsty, back when I was playing Destiny I used a female Awoken almost exclusively (and looked good doing it). For whatever reason in the early days, some folks kept giving me party invites, and then immediately dropping out when they found out that I’m a man.

I can’t imagine the sweaty, mouth breathing terror I would’ve experienced if I were actually a lady. :worried:


women can play fighting games all they want,they just need to be interested in it first. like @Blade4693 says though, the community needs to mature a bit more first. whenever i see a female player up on stream holy crap shes getting so much verbal abuse and sexual harassment its pathetic. goddamn virgin cherry boys

The thirst is real. Men are men and it will take about another 100 years before we change. But yeah I play a lot of female characters in games and I could never imagine being a woman. Hell even in real life I saw a guy stick half of his body out of a car window just so he could bark at a girl… I mean bark for real the ■■■■■■ went woof woof growl!

We don’t need 100 years. Men will always like women (well, the men who like women). No one is trying to control the thoughts of men. But certain behaviors are not acceptable. Just like it’s not okay to club a woman and drag her back to your cave, it’s not okay to type stuff like “dayyyum those thighs tho! Xp” every time a female shows up on stream. Just like if you see a pretty girl walking down the street it’s not appropriate to touch her. This isn’t difficult. It’s fine to sit at home in mom’s basement and make animal noises if you want to. Just don’t type them. Impulse control is something children learn to deal with by the time they are able to talk. Any functioning adult can control far more difficult base impulses than what we are talking about.

And, not to get all preachy, but men bark out the car window and type stupid stuff for a very different reason. It’s not some sort of uncontrollable primitive s e x impulse to type rude ■■■■. They are doing it to impress other men. If it becomes clear that the vast majority are not impressed and let these guys know they are losers, then they will stop. It may not happen overnight but it would be quicker than you think. But, collectively, we let ourselves get sidetracked by “men vs women” contests and worrying about whether SJWs are trying to control us. As if the existence of Twitch bimbos somehow makes bad male behavior okay. Just because SJWs are idiots doesn’t mean there is nothing we ought to be doing to prevent abhorrent behavior. You don’t have to believe that we live in an oppressive patriarchy and that video games are a pernicious or insidious force propagating the unspoken tenets of that patriarchy to understand that rude and boorish behavior just isn’t okay.

Sorry, end rant.


Ok. To be honest, I did a bet once. A friend and I were playing a game. I lost, so I had to set up my profile to look like a female’s account, and such. Even the avatar. So kinda harmless. But what I didn’t suspect, was the amount of dudes contacting my “Girl” account, and asking to talk to them, for nudes and such.

I mostly played fighting games and some Call of Duty with this altered account, and I had people asking to hear my voice, since I was “Good”. I did get harassed too, but very lightly. This guy even have me his Snapchat, and told me to send him nudes! Then kept spamming my account! I felt really uncomfortable. I got at least 2 messages a day from people.

I never responded to any of these things. But it made me realize something. If I felt uncomfortable to play a game knowing that there was a chance for dudes to not leave me alone, I can’t imagine how crazy it must be for females.

From my personal experience, It was heartbreaking. I can’t imagine how they feel to be a girl gamer, in a sea of men. :frowning2:

I felt like I couldn’t even enjoy the game without some people asking to hear my voice, and all sorts of crazy things.

*(I did that once, because I was tired of the messages, and the first thing the dude said was, “Hey Sexy.”

Insert Ostrich’s deepest man voice

“Hey Honey”

Got blocked and then reported for a false reason :joy:


I don’t know much about SJWs really, or what they do that’s wrong, but I think we can all agree that if a community can grow, and be seen as more inviting in general, it can only be a good thing. And between women and the kind of guys who harass women for no good reason, I can take a guess at who I’d rather have in said community.

The guys who harass the women?

Yeah but these days it’s wrong to even smack your kid upside the head for doing something stupid. If everyone got a good smack from time to time it’d be a lot better!

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Offtopic but well:

I’ll write in English because the rules say so but…I’m surprised I haven’t played against you O.o . I mean, I tend to play ranked once in a while. What is your GT?, have we played?.
The local community has grown a little more after the pc launch but there’s still way to go, much of them are still learning. I don’t see the UAFG making any effort to play KI either so there’s a separate community that care for this game. When anyone want to have matches to practice their main or other characters we run lobbies or exhibitions sometimes.

Unfortunately, that is pretty much the norm for some female gamers. Many women feel the need to alter their appearance, voice, and even gameplay styles just to avoid what can be an onslaught of messages and harassment. Appreciate your post and all that our community members can do to remove toxicity, and promote a fun and safe environment for all our community members.


Toxicity exists in online communities, sadly. Female players get an “extra bonus” when insulted just for their gender, but they also get flattered way too much and are offered to play just because they are women and not because they are as good as other guy (I’ve seen that). But trashtalking online goes for anyone.

I strongly disagree and feel sorry if any player that is a girl should change their GT or avatar like they were some kind of mistake or intruder, Gosh! .

I’ve loved games my whole life and I’ve been really passionate about the games I loved! Why would I stop doing it or not say it because some misfit thinks othewise?? I just block them , mute them or when I’m just mad because life has other really bad things going on I even answer them in a very bad way before blocking them (not often though beacuse I don’t want to get reported just for answering a moron…). I honestly don’t care anymore, I’m not going to play victim or cry in the corner for some moronic atittude from another player, and I’ll never will.
And this is not just in gaming, you will find those kind of persons everywhere, specially when they can act under anonymous profiles.

Mute, Report , Block, talk to ppl that don’t act like that. But just a little message: If anyone see this atittude towards ANYONE, just don’t encourage them to keep it going. The bully should be left alone and go to talk to himself and see what he’s really problem is to insult and menace ppl online. And please, pleaseee report them. It actually works =)


Off topic:

My gamertag is REYNOSO FUA11, I’m pretty sure I’ve fought you before at least once back either in season 2 but I could be wrong. I’ve recently been playing ranked to unlock the achievements and level up the characters I don’t use often since S3 deleted my stats so I haven’t used my mains in a while. Anyway if you ever want to play a set hmu.

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Developers of fighting games just make characters as cool as possible. Guys don’t mind seeing topless characters such as Tusk, Fei Long, Ryu, Law etc we look past that and see it as apart of their persona. The female characters which are busty, “in-shape” and wearing revealing clothing tend to match the persona the developers want them to portray.

I think the issues with repelling female gamers are overly sexualized women and the general behavior of weirdos when they find out someone playing is a girl.

The latter usually ends up with girls feeling uncomfortable with strangers saying horrible things (both insulting a sexual things).

As for the former, it’s normal for people to play with characters they relate to, and a nice place to start with that is playing as a character of the same gender. So if females tend to gravitate towards female characters, then they should be made to appeal to them as well. The sexualization of females in gaming really does repel certain audiences. My girlfriend wouldn’t care for most females in Street Fighter because their designs tend to be fan servicey and that they mainly appeal to men, and disgust women. My girlfriend loves KI mainly for monsters (she and I find human characters boring), but we both love how KI treats their female characters compared to other fighters.

To sum it up, I think sexualizing female characters really ruins the experience for female gamers because when there’s lots of fan service, it gives off the impression that these female characters are objects for men’s pleasure. You can see a lot of it with body types and such in gaming. You see bulky, fat, skinny, short, muscular, and normal sized men, but when it comes to women, they don’t have much diversity in body styles. I dunno, but it just feels to me that most female designs in games (SF especially) are meant to cater to men and also make the social issue of beauty standards and body image worsen in society.


I once talked to a friend’s 5 year old kid on why R. Mika had “balloons” on her chest. I had no answer. If I couldn’t explain it, is that a bad thing? Maybe that’s too much sexualization? I mean there was a reason an Alt costume was used during EVO on ESPN.

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I wrote a post related to this topic in another thread. In particular, cross-posting the following comment, which seems to reflect some common ground that seems to have been found here, r.e. “thirst”:

On another note:

Yes, there are problems with the expectations that are placed upon men, and yes, the way that male insecurity over penis size has been played for profit is cruel and too often damaging.

I recall an article on the rise of a trend in men adopting destructive (anorexic?) diets and working out constantly to achieve a “Van Damme look”, i.e. a perfectly lean, toned, yet muscular body, the sort of body that a lot of lead male actors put in entire 8-hour working days to attain before shooting for an action blockbuster (and it gets photoshopped to perfection anyway). You can probably google around to find this stuff. It’s an impossible and frankly unhealthy body image to aspire to, and it’s not good that, instead of alleviating analogous pressures on women, society has just started to place impossible body image pressures on men.

But the point is that all of this is terrible, not that both genders are now suffering so it’s okay.


The usual enabler of tacky behavior, is folks not saying anything.

Trying to save on stress and conflict by looking the other way.

Talking to the folks about their bad social practices and lack of tact, would be helpful to everyone involved.(constructive criticism, not ye ole: “go to yo momma basement and die alone you worthless piece of sheet”)

Though some people do need a good backhand across the face…