Unable to start KI "can't find my last saves"?

Same here. Kan-Ra must have destroyed Ultratech servers… Servers malfunctionning as Kilgore! What an achievement!

I hope during this down time that they also unlock Kilgore’s dossiers in SL. As of lastnight they said to wait until Kilgore was available.

I dont have plans to buy Kilgore now. I think it’s too much expensive paying $40 (local curency) for a single character, when i already have spent around $100 (local currency) for all other chars by acquiring the S3 pack…

That’s it. $100 per 8 char is far way worthy than $40 per 1… simple as that.

You know that you can change your xbox region and buy with the price of other zones?

You know “changing (locations) currency wont” help?

I will still have to pay the currency conversion… which will end for me paying the same ammount for a single char.

Monetarly speaking:

If i change location to US - it will be around $10 (the cost). But to pay $10 dolars, i’ll have to invest $40 on my local currency because of the monetary conversion, so it’s no use…

And yesterday i bought xp booster. And i’ve lost already 8h of gameplay. that sucks. Was thinking whyle its stil holiday for me, i’ll buy myself a few days xp booster and then the servers are buggy (down). damn. :disappointed:

Well, it sucks if your currency has poor value.

I’m from Europe, so I use €. Buying a 70€ in Hong Kong for 40€ it’s a great deal to me

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Iron Galaxy, what’s happenning to your servers today? I want to play Shadow Lords. :cry:

Experiencing the same issues as well this morning. I am glad to just know it’s not something on my end, as I had originally assumed lol

Single player still works, so at least yoi.can get some of the extra Xp that you paid for.

I havent bought Kilgore yet but having the same issue, KI Gold missing and cant enter Shadow Lords either.
getting the exact message.

I have the same problem.

Now I feel more comfortable, I know it’s a common problem.

I bet the count down sequence to kilgores release nuked the servers on midnight the following day. kinda like the Y2K bug lol
maybe they should try to vent some heat from the Gatling, I mean server farm.

yeah I was starting to panic as well.

Three years of progress … :open_mouth:


lost my gold and shadow points, can’t play ranked or shadow lords but exhibition and lobby mode is just fine, hoewever the game bugs out if i insist on playing ranked, i guess the data on the servers isn’t available i also got from Killer Rank to Qualifier again altough this last one is not a big issue

actually the prices in the microsoft store are adjusted for the region / currency, and Steam does this too for example IIRC i paid about $650 local curency for killer instinct supreme edition, but if i did the conversion from $40 USD to my currency that would be almost $900

I would like to know why Iron Galaxy web/twitter/whatever isn’t saying anything at all about this problem… it’s been over 10 hours… and I want to keep playing with Shadow Lord’s free Kilgore. :frowning2:

over 12h at least, i try to play this morning at 8, now its 8 in the evening and stil not work.