Ultimates are here!

I have not forgotten but all thigns consider, I see why they went with what they did and personally I don’t have any issues with the choice if it means we can ge tthem all on every stage. May not of been possible before hand since devs would have to go back and add stuff to the stages and modify them to make that work. Which would/could taken a good while to do rather than just animating the untimate with a black background effect
Besides I still consider it that it’s almost a call back, but it darkens the moment more or less. I get what you’re saying but at the end of the day; if the black background helps the devs pull off these amazing Ultimates without risk of exposing spots on the stage you’re not ment to see, I’m fine with it.

I will still say that with the black background it enhances the very moment and background isn’t distracting.


BTW Rukari did tease that we are getting something on the 10th. May not be this but who knows.

If we get dances then it’s only fair that both characters dance. I wanna see ARIA bust a move!


that black is horrible, it is flat, deep. seems a glitch, as in the original jago stage in Ki1 Arcade.

I imagine it’s something small. The weekly updates so far have just been skin packs and Kilgore.

Much as you dislike it, it is what it is. upside is you may see it ofen online and you don’t have to do Ultimates if ya don’t want to. But still I say that if it weren’t for that black background we could be seeing parts of the stage we were not meant to see. In the case between you and me, it’s simple preference you can blame that on the way the stages are modeled. Refer to the riptor tail flip glitch on Eyedol ina particular topic and you’ll see what I mean.

could be, but then again we are supoedly getting these almost every tuesday or something

Why is the black screen bad? Just look at MK they do the exact same thing.


He has his reasons I’m sure. He wants to have it more like the season1 ultimates but if it weren’t for the backgrounds we likely wouldn’t of had this possible in the first place. If only DH had set it so differently.

Still I’m happy we got Ultimates at all : D

He could also just suggest somethign workable than just keeping the stage background, like some special kind of background that appears for each character. shrug

There is a reason why Boss Shago has a background for his Ultimate and the other 2 we’ve seen so far don’t. It’s because only the Shadow Temple stage was designed to accommodate an Ultimate animation…specifically Shago’s. But no other stage has been made with Ultimates in mind and aren’t designed to accommodate the dynamic camerawork Ultimates carry with them. . The devs have stated this on numerous occasions. That is why the black background was made, to allow the animations to continue without having to redesign all the stages.

Now is the black background boring…yeah pretty much. It’d be nice if they could add some color or a pattern or something, but I’d rather have the black background than have them say it’s not possible because the finishers are tied to the restrictions of the stages.


So now I’m going to wait for Cinder to explode or something cool. It would also be cool if they incorporate the bomb juggle somehow.

He’s gona breathe fire watch.

Add color? Might be nice, but the fact that it’s currently black means that we already have the best setup for preventing slow-down from frame-rate stutters or jitters, or potential lag issues. I like the focus on the characters personally. Colors might distract from that.


Found Jago dabbing ha :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t know, it Will be hard to do them against standard to good players. I can understand humiliations being supreme, but Ultimates would have been a nice option apart from ultras (I used to do them more than the ultras)


A Complete KI experience is finally upon us. :grin:

Can’t wait to see more Ultimates!


Its awesome, its goofy, and it references dbz. Truly an ultimate move!

It’s so good! I’m worried that Shago’s ultimate seems too tame compared to Jago’s Spirit Bomb.

Yea shagos ultimate pales in comparison lol

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Shago has Cloud’s omnislash. He’s still plenty anime to compete with regular Jago :wink:

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Orchids will best them all, just like her taunt.
I’m calling either a firecat Phoenix blaze or a super shocking electro blast lasaken.

If it is her famous helicopter spin kick, I’m literally going to implode.
Wait for it

They’ve been hinting at ultimate since the monthly back stories and imo the final paragraphs will reveal the essence of all upcoming ultimates.

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