Tusk's Stance - Back or Front?

Back facing and a switch stance button!

Maybe heā€™ll have a revenant (dicaprio) vibe

Been confirmed that he is back facingā€¦ I asked Adam Isgreen on twitter

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Cool! Canā€™t wait to see Tusk in action


Please post a link to the tweet confirming that. ^^

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Id be surprised if he wasnā€™t back-facing.


Well, thread resolved then! XD


Oh wow, cool!! Really happy to hear that! Even more excited to see him in Action!

I thought it was stated by one of the Devs before S3 was even announced that if they do Tusk, heā€™ll be a back-facing character.

I didnā€™t know. I havenā€™t been the most active guy on this forum, but Tusk had me excited, so Iā€™m not up-to-date on most things.

My theory is that itā€™s the reason they put the tattoo mostly on his back.
Wouldnā€™t that be hilarious if we never see his face?? :hushed:

Nooooooooo-ah! I wanna see his handsome face. D:

Iā€™m not to fond of Mirroring of 3d fighters in 2d fighting games, it always screams at yah especially with asymmetrical characters.

P1: Back
P2: Front

KI isnt a 3D fighter though. But I get what youā€™re saying.

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Itā€™s called 2.5D, because it is 3D graphics, but played in a 2D field.
Mortal Kombat X, Street Fighter V, Killer Instinct - those games are 2.5D fighters.
Tekken, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive - those games are 3D fighters.

Nooooooooo-DAH! I wanna see his handsome face. D:

FTFY :wink:

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now the back facing thing is really a bad issue for Spinal and Aganos. Spinal has to trade his sword and shield everytime. Same for Aganoses with his hands. Weird.