The two month wait between Eyedol and Shadow Lords = Brutal

So there really is no content between the two? Season 3 is going to have a two month wait between Eyedol and SL? That sucks.

Would you say they are a…


bu-dump, PISSSHHH!! :joy:


Is your game going to be frozen for those two months? You cant play it or what?

Sometimes I feel like people care more about getting patches for the sake of getting them instead of just playing game.


The two month wait means it is going to be quality content though. I’d rather wait for a bit while they make SL the best it can be.

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I was hoping to have sl for the rest of the summer. September means i won t be able to play as much as i wanted. I wasn t even playing because of sl waiting.

  1. We are in the middle of a season. The expectation in the season of any game is that you get content regularly until the end of the season. We HAVE gotten content regularly for S3. That is, until Eyedol. It’s almost as if Eyedol is the end of the season and SL is just some kind of after season bonus. Which is fine, if that’s how it were marketed.

  2. A lot of people want to spend their summer’s playing. The summer will be over when SL comes out.

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I have a strange feeling that there’s a ninth bonus character that they havent revealed yet as a surprise. Hopefully it’s Eagle, but maybe its Shadow Orchid like we keep hearing about

They could use that time to add in Ultimates/No mercies and stage ultras for season 1 characters.

Seriously, @rukizzel @TempusChaoti @MicrosoftStudios make it happen! :grin:

-_- this makes no sense.


Well if you sign up to test shadow lords you will get to play it over the next two months!

Early access, b****es :slight_smile:

I know you all are jealous.


Nah, I’m not jealous…

Yeah, I’m lying… ;_;


Rumors has it there may be a smaller content patch in August. I’d suspect something like a few balance changes, a skin or two, maybe a community fund. I don’t suspect anything big.

@xCrimsonLegendx Free <3 for the Dethklok reference

You think that is brutal, then you don’t remember waiting 6 1/2 months for Kim Wu’s trailer, after she was teased in Rash’s trailer. Now that was brutal.

It does make sense. They have plenty of time to add in those missing features us fans have been wanting and begging since the game first launched.

You don’t know what time they have. Stop talking out of things you don’t know. Since you THINK they have so much time why is it that Shadow Lords mode is delayed until the retail rerelease? You clearly have no idea what game development process is.


Characters take almost a year to complete.

Balance changes take almost two months.

Just a thought.


Thank you. He really needs to know this…