The Official Weekly Tournament of the Forums (WTF) #4

Winning comes from not trying to win, as contradictory as that sounds what you said is exactly what leads to winning.

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@adrunkhalfbreed Can we play tomorrow?

I think a better way of putting it is winning is more of a side effect of lots of effective practice than just having a desire to win.

ā€¦let me explain.

The desire to win on its own is not going too grant you victory. Putting in measures that lead to winning like adapting, mind games, knowledge of data, will swing things in your favor. A great player is someone who had mastered their data and mastered adaptation.

Storm knows and labs situations for characters, but he also adapts to ā€œglitchesā€ in the system on the fly. @oTigerSpirit is capable of that.

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Fair enough. Itā€™s hard to see it how you fellas do since I never really acclimated to a tournament environment. Though, I see it different with Storm and myself.

I guess when I say insult it is because we have played a few times and his character more than others have a stressful effect on me. That effect causes me to freak out and lose the focus that I have tried to tame throughout the years.

Other characters I understand more, but even so Hisako is particularly unique from other characters that it takes time getting used to a really good one. Iā€™m ranting hereā€¦ point is, itā€™s one of my worst matchup and against someone as skilled as Storm makes it unwinnable, consider it a mental barrier.

Butā€¦ the answers lies in the heart of battle, so I donā€™t fight to win as much as I fight to learn.

That was so corny lol

This use to happen with me. You should play storm more often. :+1: we as ppl get scared of adverse results that we feel like we canā€™t control. Storms hisako has an effect on you mentally (which it should cause itā€™s a grapple character). You just need to know how too fight a grapple character (run away and pressure hisako on YOUR TERMS). If you really feel that bad ask him for a set after the tournament match.

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Donā€™t you everā€¦

Ok Cause i was about to be livid.

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The answer does lie in the heart of battle.

Donā€™t hate on my man Ryu, BOIā€¦ :persevere:


What time you thinking? Iā€™m live in central time.

Im busy this weekend so Im going to shoot for your Tuesday then. Im in the EST so i guess ill shoot you a message when im online then and work out the finer details. Cool?

Hey man. I should be around for the next two hours. You want to get this done?

Sounds good. Iā€™ll check back with you Tuesday then.

Just got up about an hour ago, its 9:30 here. Ill be on around 10-10:30 central if you are still on let me know.

1pm CST?

Iā€™m still on. I should be on until 11:30 Eastern

Itā€™s a little pay 10:30 Central and no sign of you. Iā€™m going to have to bounce.

Cool that should work.


Sorry, I got on around 11amā€¦ got caught up playing drums for about an hour. trying to start back drumming as a morning workout regiment.

Illbe on for a while this afternoon and later tonight. Also tomorrow morning as well.
Give me a specific hour window and Ill be there.

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I have 45 minutes before I have to leave so I can hopin right now (itā€™s 12:15 Central). Otherwise, how about 10-11:00 Central tomorrow?

Edit: also, no need to worry about it. Weā€™re trying to find a time to play a video game tournamentā€¦ lol. Iā€™m not going to be upset if you find better stuff to do. Just let me know so Iā€™m not sitting around.

Iā€™m leaving here at 2:00 Eastern to take my PA speakers down to my buddies house. His daughter invited me as a surprise for his 40th birthday because Iā€™m fun. :grinning: We could use a drummer.

Ok Iā€™m ready if you are!