After many years I figured I can still ride a horse and film while galloping. Not an easy task I assure you 
I’m going through changes and also going back to other things I loved , I feel is for the better 
Also I do take my time but I can still manage in long sets even I’m not active in KI.
Not sure If I’ll play new KI but I’ll be curious to see a new game and hope the best for the saga and these forums with the cool people I’ve met here 
Well, today has sucked. Since my birthday was yesterday and I had to work, the plan was today we were going to have a lot of our family over, grill burgers, eat cake…the usual birthday party stuff. While my wife and I were getting everything ready, we got a call from her parents. My father-in-law pastors 2 churches, and my kids had gone with them. On their way home, my father-in-law nodded off, and ran off the road and hit a tree. Everybody’s ok for the most part…mostly just scrapes and bruises. My daughter’s staying in the hospital overnight for observation…they’re thinking she has a slight concussion. My father-in-law got the worst of it, with bruised rib cartilage and compressed low back. Both of my boys are fine. My older son, @Thunderb3E, I heard was great about getting everyone out of the vehicle and making sure everyone was ok. It goes without saying, the party was cancelled, but given how bad the wreck was, things couldn’t have gone any better.
Uh oh. I am sorry about something terrible happened to your daughter and father in law. I hope everything goes well for you and your family.
@G1GlaciusPrime i hope everything works out man.
i saw john wick 3. holy ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ that movie was ridiculous lol, cant wait to go see it again! that said, i dont think there is anything else i care to go watch at the movies now. that was basically the only one i was actually looking forward to see in theaters. really all i have been watching are martial arts action movies at home. im gonna re-watch The Raid 2 after work today, so ■■■■ good
Good luck man. That’s rough but I’m glad everyone’s okay.
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I’m sorry to hear that friend. But I’m glad to hear everyone made it out ok. Sounds like you need a makeup day for your birthday.
My kids are home from school for the summer. It’s amazing how much cleaner our house has been. All 3 of them have pretty much recovered from the wreck. My father-in-law is doing better, but he’s still in the hospital. The compressed vertebra is causing more lingering pain than they had initially thought it would. But if everything goes ok he should be out early next week. They’re thinking it might have been his blood sugar level that caused him to nod off and wreck. When he got to the hospital it was reading 300 mg/dL, which my understanding is that’s pretty high. Hopefully they can get his blood sugar under control, but right now I’m just glad everyone’s ok.
Good to know your kids are ok now.
Keyboards a clicking
Fingers hurt
Been weird, good pay though
I forgot to post this. I got Knightverse’s Bumblebee masterpiece two days ago I ordered from Amazon, and he looks great in person!
G1 Bumblebee: So how are you doing today?
Movie Bumblebee: Beeps
One more thing before I left… I’m going to get two transformers toys from BigBadToyStore I ordered next week. I can’t wait to show you guys.
All I had was a glass of water…
Three pizzas in two days:
Mellow Mushroom
Papa John’s
Sam’s Club
…I need help ‘_’
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If you litterally had pizza for lunch and dinner two days straight, then maybe you should cut back on pizza for a month or two.
I know * sobs into own moobs
working on my food choices…kinda.
This week has been too busy for me.
Well I had some bummer news today. The last month or so I’ve been going in to donate blood plasma, in part to fund some of my side projects such as the 4-player arcade board I’m building (the first time was to help reduce some of the cost of my MK cabinet, so I can say I paid for it with my own blood, lol) . Anyway, every time I’ve gone in I’ve had issues, and since this last time was the 3rd time it has happened they told me I couldn’t donate again for 6 months. Kinda ruined some of my plans. 
So I finally got a riser for my MK Arcade 1up cabinet. It made it a bit taller than I was expecting. I was expecting the control panel to be a couple of inches shorter than my KI cabinet, but they’re about even.
Well, I finished my latest chapter in my story a few days ago after a few months of writer’s block and life. Perhaps it should keep the readers busy while I let my brain rest for a while, and think on what to make with the next chapter.