I just realized that Jared Leto was from 30 Seconds From Mars, the group that introduced me to rock. I feel so ashamed.
lolololol i dont know what to say to that haha! you’re alright man, you’re alright! just start exploring metal and stay off the nu metal. get you some Dio, pantera, slayer, megadeth, testament, overkill, you’ll be fine
Finally ready for that four day
Weekend, yes?
You know it
Gotcha and but of course too
thank god its friday everyone, i am so dead right now. thursday had a pleasant evening, so that wore me out from things i was doing. then last night we burned the midnight oil and finalized the install of my v8 and the transmission. it is finally in the car! i lucked out on the connecting of the transmission to the engine as well, it took like a good 20 min or so. for some folks it can take hours if there are problems. not for us! it looks like first start up is nearly upon me, cant ■■■■■■ wait!
Hmmm… It appears to be Saturday. Maybe if I try real hard I’ll remember yesterday. Another lost Friday it seems…
You should put up a poster. Maybe someone from around the neighborhood knows where your Friday went.
On a related note, I found someone’s lost cat. While I was making dinner a cat just decided to walk through the front door. After we determined it was a domestic cat (even without a collar he was too fat and we’ll groomed to be a stray) we left him on the porch to go on his way and then went to the store. When we got back, there happened to be this lady walking down the street asking if we’d seen her cat. He was still on the porch. It felt good to be helpful.
I told my boss to get lost today-
Going to move back to my girls
basement and beef with her.
Im not even sure im supposed
to be here, she better not show up.
yay monday, and apparently there was a vicious thunderstorm last night that had everybody scared at home. me? i was asleep through the whole thing and im barely awake as i write this. much to do today, lets get it
So dreaded this morning…finally got some employees coming back… thats good, and bad. lol
Stayed up too late playing Nioh. the game is absolutely astonishing.
Today is president’s day. School is still going -_-. Fine. I’ll deal with it. Flash floods. Yay. Maybe school can be canceled. Nope. School is still going smh.
My kids are out fro school today, and the public schools were out half day last friday too! SMDH
We never got out for presidents day way back when
We had full school Friday and today as well
My kids were out last Friday as well, but they’re at school today. I believe they were out because they had extra snow days, and we’ve had jack crap for snow this year. In fact, I’m dreading all the bugs & stuff coming out because we didn’t really have a good freezing chill for any good length of time this winter here in central/western Arkansas.
Happy Pres day; still enjoying my four-day
im finally wide awake, the morning half of my day has flown over my head. i was able to finally solve a long standing issue regarding the cloning/imaging of computers due to a fellow tech giving me a copy of her software. before i wasnt able to image PCs here in my office. a big inconvenience, because i enjoy working on machines here so i can listen to my metal and do my job in peace.
i also wish i had today off, man that wouldve been sweet lol. everybody getting 3 day (and like miss dragon, 4 day) weekends except us unlucky souls haha, oh man i could totally go for one of those. oh well, i get a week off in 2 weeks! so i can wait
I’ve spent the weekend out of town. Went to an oyster bar in the late hours of the night in Saturday: aptly named the Salt Cellar, because it’s a Sea Food place that’s underground. We accidentally racked up a $100+ bill by putting away a lot of a beer that wasn’t considered a well drink for happy hour.
Also saw the Lego Batman movie. It was decent. Saw that they’re making a Captain Underpants movie and my inner ten year old went FWEEEEEEEEP
Tomorrow the daily grind of academia resumes.