The AI in Shadow Lords can be frustrating for a mediocre player

I’ve beat SL before, I had the best guardians, best buffs for my team AND took off all 4 of his buffs and he still curb stomped me on the mode that’s made for “players who are new to fighting games” its insane how hard he is on the easiest difficulty.

What guardians did you have?

I was using a perfect quality killer snake and a perfect quality killer exemplar. :\

Did you have a ceremonial dagger along with the ritual of sacrifice as well as nanbots along with full instinct and full shadow meter?

Not that exact combo but yes I was stocked up with nanobots/buffs and meter across the board.

Get the ceremonial dagger and throw on a blade of ritual sacrifice.

I get what you’re trying to say but the absolute best killer level gear shouldn’t be required to stand a chance against the boss on normal mode. I’m not whining just for the sake of it, I’m whining because he shouldn’t be that hard on the easiest difficulty.

I appreciate the tips though.


Alright I’m ignoring you from now on, thanks for totally and utterly disregarding my point of view.

I don’t think some of you understand what CrimsonLegend is trying to say. CrimsonLegend is just saying that the normal mode is to hard. I am also just an average player. I also believe that normal is way to difficult.

Here are some examples of why I feel Normal is to Hardee than it should be. First the game mode is claimed to be for new to fighting game players. When the AI can shadow counter into instinct into a combo with a counter breaker, then that is not an normal AI. Next, when a average player needs to use their strongest items to defeat a normal AI, there might be a balance problem. By normal AI, I am talking about Normal matches, not quest matches, Omens, or Gargos. There is also the rate at which Normal AI blocks and does perfect moves and breaks. I could go on, but there is no real need at this point.


This can be solved by adding an easy mode that is early access normal.

Normal is supposed to be easy though, it straight up says in the title that its for players who are new to fighting games.



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I agree that it’s an issue if the mode “for new fighting game players” is just ball-bustingly difficult. Some people seem to miss the point that not everyone enjoys banging their head against tweaked AI’s - it’s just genuinely not enjoyable for many, many people. And the right answer to that is not “git gud”, it’s to have at least one version of your AI that just about anyone can beat if they’re making a good faith effort to do so. Minus the bugs/exploits, I think the beta Gargos came pretty close to that. It’s a roguelike so you’re not necessarily supposed to beat Gargos first try, but there should also be a tantalizing sense of “maybe if I had a better guardian or consumable or [insert buff] I could totally take him” in there.

You need people to continue playing the mode to make it successful/profitable, and having people who’ve been playing for three years and have perfect guardians getting ROFLstomped by de-buffed Gargos probably isn’t super conducive to that. It’s great to have more challenging content in there for the people who go for that, but the team also can’t leave those low-skill warriors behind either. Normal should be the mode that provides that “I can do this!” fix.

The good news is that I’m sure the dev team has their eyes and ears on this, and I’m sure there will be some normalizations going on in the future. SL is the capstone of S3, and I know they want it to be a mode that everyone can find some enjoyment in.


Thank you for not going with the classic “get good”. I refuse to spell it the other way, but that is another issue :slight_smile:

I thought of this lastnight. For anyone who thinks normal is ok, then I have a challenge. Play normal for at least 45 days and use NO ITEMS. No healing, buffs, or guardians. An above average player should be able to do that on a setting marked “for new players” The only reason I can do normal at the moment is because of the items I got during the EA.

Now most of us understand that SL is only 2 days old, and things take time. I just think that some of us feel that the difficulty issue should be looked at sooner instead of later.


Lol. I actually hate the phrase and mentality in general, as I think it’s dismissive and a cop-out to giving actual constructive feedback. But it’s a pretty good proxy for some of the silly “Gargos isn’t supposed to be easy ha ha” responses I’ve seen - largely pretentious and unhelpful.

I hit him on Normal with Perfect Killer Guardians, Epic Items, and 3 Seasons worth of learning, and I still lost a man. I can’t imagine what it’d be like if someone who truly plays casually like my girlfriend or little brother tried out some of the fights of gone through in the very first few days of “Normal” difficulty.

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Amen to that, I am as casual as it gets and only play fighting games for the cool factor. I never go online and only plays local against equally… not so good players.

I just want to beat SL so I can get the story bits I’ve been looking forward to so much, but needless to say even with combo assist and the spammiest character I could find I still got rekt by tier 3 mimics, which for the easiest difficulty for ‘new’ players are stupidly obscene.

I am not good, but I know I am not super terrible yet Omens in challenging are steamrolling my whole team…maybe I just don’t understand how to properly use the items and guardians but having trouble with one Omen sure doesn’t make me want to stick it out for the rest to fight Gargos…but I want to re-unlock that stage so I have no choice lol

Ill try again today and see what happens hahaa

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I did find out in my playthrough that if you lose to an Omen it doesn’t mean it’s gone. I wound up losing on my first time fighting one on my last playthrough, and eventually he came back around again & I beat him that time.

…sadly even with all 4 buffs gone Gargos still crushed me.

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It seems that they now show up the day after a continent reaches 50% corruption, and if you fail to defeat them then they’ll show up 2 days later.