Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Geno I can see making it in. But I’m not sure about the others.

I already have King K Rool, Squirtle, Bowser and Luigi. So roster wise I’m happy.

Hmmm, Isabelle doesn’t impress me, but only because I don’t do Animal Crossing. In any case, I’m still looking forward to see who’s next to join the roster.

Whenever we get to see it. Seriously, and this applies to all fighting games, i’m ■■■■■■■ sick of having the roster drip fed to us. I just want to know and know as soon as possible. For other games that announce, like, 2 years before they come out it kind of makes sense. They have an air of “well the rest aren’t actually decided on/done” yet. But smash was officially announced less than a year ago and comes out in three-ish months. The roster ain’t changing at this point, so give us the whole thing!

@CausingThought6 just try to be patient friend. We will find it out soon.

I wouldn’t be so mad if EVERY fighting game didn’t do this. Every fighting game i follow does this. And fighting games are my favorite genre, so this happens to me a lot. It no longer gives me hype, it gives me frustration.

In my opinion, the people who did this whole drip feed thing right were NetherRealm with Injustice 2. Because they had a countdown clock on their website to the next announcement. Even if it wasn’t for a good long while, they had that countdown clock so we always new more was coming and when it was coming. Nintendo should do this.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way. I’m still not sure if my favorite character Aeon was going to be in SC-VI as a base or DLC character. The waiting hurts but as far as I know it’s better to wait cause if you rush it you could end up getting news that you won’t like.

That’s fair. Like i said, if we knew when the next announcements were going to be via a countdown clock, then I think it would be fine

If they released the full roster early people would just complain about news droughts instead. If nothing else my time on the forums here taught me that -shrug-


Hope I can get into this. I’ve only recently bought a switch, specifically for monster hunter. It’s a pretty great little console and it’s cool how I can play street fighter third strike anywhere.

I never enjoyed the GameCube version back in the day, that being the only time I’ve had experience with the game. There’s a few really cool looking characters now though that I’d enjoy and it’s nice to have something to look forward to on the system.

Can they do that ?

I feel like this was alil unfair.

Perfectly acceptable.

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I was always under the impression that you would always be allowed to attend tourniez regardless of your history (or even your current situation) so long as you conducted yourself appropriately at the events…

I mean… thats fair right ? Guilty or Not…

Tournaments have a right to choose who they allow in imo.

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@Sasuke99I @Lulekani @SonicDolphin117
It’s hard for me to determine the ethical matter but I guess this was there way of trying to say they have zero tolerance for this sort of thing.

Now I’m not sure if there’s any proof or not, but unless we know exactly whats going on I can make a judgement on it.

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Well then in that case I guess thats case closed. I should be a good boy… or hide my faults better…

Nah. That’s just my stance on things. It’s fine if people don’t agree with it.

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@Sasuke99I @Lulekani @SonicDolphin117
Now if the guy had no relation ship with this person and it was false, then I don’t agree with the punishment. But if he was then I agree with the punishment.

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Its such a complex issue I don’t even know if it has a resolution…

Oh well… lets just see what happens…

In the mean time… SMASH !!!

man I really want a Nintendo…

Might wanna save your money for it then.

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LoL… I am but right now its for my Rig… aaaah… the multiplatform life… now thats the dream. :slight_smile: