Summon bat without wall?

i would like for aganos to be able to summon a bat to his hand (spending a chunk) instead of having to rip it out of a wall first … because depending on MU it may make less sense to put a wall up whatsoever (fulgore, spinal) and it might be way more difficult to gain chunks and to make good use of armor (kan-ra, riptor, kilgore) and as such instead rather spend chunks a bit more offensively to be able to get in were your armor gets just beaten…
for ballance reasons it may take the summoning a few frames like using the animation for instinctactivation similar to thunder to not make it able to just throw the summon out there but rather to have to use it on a knockdown from a throw or hardknockdown ender f.e. …

thoughts? would that be too powerfull?
or would you like to have this too?

Too OP, even for me.

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Definitely too powerful. That’d basically be giving him access to his instinct mode all the time. There were already adjustments to make the bat more useful at the start of S3, like the recycling mechanic and the retooled normals. Maybe spend some more time figuring out how to make the most of what he has.


No walls for fulgore? YES walls for fulgore! Shut down that teleporting or st least make it more difficult.

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no walls for fulgore and spinal???

This would make it nearly impossible for some characters to even get close to Aganos.

as i said you could ballance it by delaying the summon so a player can´t just throw it out in neutral or be otherwise punished unlike using payload assault … it would be more like setting up his ranged melee …

it´s not like aganos becomes suddenly unstoppable when you pop instinct …

yea you know skill difference and all that jazz … sometimes i feel like depending on what player i fight against i may rather change my gameplan … … i also said it “may” make less sense i didn´t say that ITSTRAIGHTOUDOESN`TMAKESENSEATALL!!!11!!RAGE11!! …

one thing i wonder is how succesful people are incorporating more batplay outside of instinct …
like getting a hard knock down on opponents to get the backwall for the bat and play rangedmelee or using stagger from thrown bats to get in for combos …

I get alot of mileage out of this actually.