Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

When you return there are several versions you can watch. I recommend the version that is Sajam and James Chen commentating…its much better than the ESPN version…but the ESPN version does give a more grandiose appearance…becasue its ESPN.

But overall it was super hype… even my fiancee Krista was super hyped to watch it and she doesnt really like SF. She is getting more into it every tourny we watch…KI that is… she knows all the names and all the characters and moves and tricks… its pretty cool!

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Yeah idk if it was on the Capcom stream but if there is a way to rewatch the ESPN2 showing you’ll definitely see him, especially in the beginning lol

Interesting. So who commentated the ESPN version? :open_mouth:

2 guys I didnt recognize…but they were very professional…the sideline reporter looked familiar…I cant think of his name. He has done some KI stuff back at the beginning of S2.


Seth Killian and Mike Ross. And Seraphs is right, Gootecks was on the sidelines.

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Ok. Yeah, that’s a pretty solid commentary team. :thumbsup:

The Top 8 this year for SFV was pretty good, I personally wanted Nemo (the Vega player) to win but I knew deep down infiltration would take it…Honestly though I still prefer watching USF4 at evo over 5 but it was ok…the rest of the games were ok as well but nothing spectacular

Oh lawd :revolving_hearts:

My true main is finally going to be here on Tuesday!!!

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Juri is life. Juri is love. :heart_eyes: :heartbeat:

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Can’t wait for Urien!

Juri looks good. Shame they lazed out on her CA

I can’t wait for Urien either!
Juried deserved a better CA

Just posted my 5-pack Story Mode Stage pack mod. It includes all UI graphics as well.

Get it while it’s hot!

New Colors for RMIka’s C2 as well!

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Today is Juri day!!!


Woot! I’m starting on those costume colors tonight.

Thanks for reminding.
I’m glad I bought the pak, I really like her battle costume skin/ hair

It’s so good!

I always wanted a Juri costume with her hair down <3

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When are the Juri patch notes coming?

Is Juri based on LeftEye from TLC?