Started a long term relationship with Hisako

Still would love more costumes for heršŸ’

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they should do a bloody hisako one, like she just murdered an ultratech agent defiling her haunting ground

Way too late to be of any use, but yeah, Hisako canā€™t combo off lights normally. She can combo off of it with meter though, so LK/LP->shadow ORZ is a true combo. This is useful as a reset setup against someone who knows to jump out of influence resets. Nice unscaled damage up front from the shadow, and doesnā€™t require wrath.


This is good advice, thanks man :wink:

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Iā€™d like to point out that comboability of lights (or lack of thereof) was pointed ou in Infilamentā€™s guide. It not up-to-date yet, but itā€™s still a good read.

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