Sportsmanship, good practices, and how to be a better player

Yeah, @SonicDolphin117 its a douche, but we love him anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

You were in my mind when I was writing this. You said this yesterday in another post:

And I disagree. [quote=“MandrillManiac, post:4, topic:16300”]
I won’t be like Bass. I won’t be like Sleep. I won’t be like Storm 179.

And It’s not a matter of “so why should I try”

It’s a matter of whether or not I want to.

Don’t get me wrong I love this game to death. But at the same time I still feel their is no place for mandrill in the tournament bracket or among the fights with good players from the forums.

This is ■■■■■■■■ man. Anybody can improve, anybody can get better. With proper training, everyone could be a great player.

I could give you examples. @SightlessKombat is blind, yet he managed to get to Killer several times. THAT’S ■■■■■■■ HEROIC. I always tell him that he is a hero for me. Being able to understand and play KI at his level of skill it’s something I wouldn’t belive before knowing him. I’m proud about knowing him and his history, it’s inspiring. If you ever told me to play a fighting game with my eyes closed, I would tell you that I whoulnd’t go far. @SightlessKombat it’s an example of what can be achieved with conviction, hope and strong will. And I admire that from him.

You, @MandrillManiac, are not a bad player. You understand the game. You can improve, of course, as everyone. But you shouldn’t give up. I remember the exact day we were fighting after S3 launched. I remember how I showed you some flipouts setups with Riptor. I remember, weeks later, how we fought again and you were applying that setups. And I was PROUD.

You don’t have to aim to be the next EVO champion. Aim for something more simple: Aim to get better and have fun. Improve day by day. One day, you will take a look back, and you will see how you improved. But you can’t think in absolute terms here. You can’t just say “I want to be a top 8 evo player, but now I’m far from there, so it’s impossible and late”.

Some time ago, when I played SFIV for the first time, I came from a long time without playing fighting games due a hand injury. I was TRASH. I was obfuscated. I thought that fighting games were no longer for me. But I didn’t give up. I trained, became a decent player, and I’m happy with my skills. And I translated them into other FGs.

Sometimes I lose badly to other people. That doesn’t have to discourage me from playing or aiming to get better. On the contrary, it encourages me. If the guy who beat me to dust can achieve that skill, I CAN.

I know you can @MandrillManiac. I know you will.

Give yourself some time. Be happy playing the game. Be positive. And improvement will come. I can guarantee you that