Sonic Mania


This is kind of my point.

Is anyone actually concerned about eggman? No, not really. Sonic laugs him off all the time, and it’s only when he recruits help that he becomes a threat.

And why is that a bad thing?
As simple the premise is, as simple a villain Eggman is, the Sonic fanbase still prefer the older games than the new. Most other villains have been scoffed at and waved away.

Bowser from the Super Mario franchise isn’t really all that much a threat or edgy either. Mario and team have beat him time and time again. Yet he is the most beloved villain of the franchise.

You don’t have to be edgelord material to be a good villain.

Why are these special stages so hard

Bowser? That guy with the spikes on his back and wrists, eyebrows always skewed to be furious, larger than most other brings in that universe, who always seems to be near lava in a dark castle?

The edge is so strong with him, you can taste it in the air.

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Maybe back in the 80’s. But back then, a bald and insane professor who turns small woodland creatures into robots was rather edgy too.

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I can see where you’re coming from, especially since eggman didn’t have his cooky personality back then. He was probably much more scarier than he is now.

I personally prefer when Sonic is more toony than trying so hard to be edgy and cool.
Have you seen the Sonic Boom cartoons? They are so good and hilarious, and a whole lot more wholesome as a Sonic world than most of the games have ever been.


Love these videos, wanted to share with you guys. ^^

I think I’m going to be the evil guy now, because I have to… let’s say… disagree with some people.

I’m from the 80s, my first game was not a Sonic the Hedgehog, but almost… Alex Kidd, and Asterix and Obelix were there in the Master System II I played in a friend’s home, since then I played like crazy almost all the main and other Sonic games in my own Master System II, Mega Drive, Dreamcast, GBA, Xbox, DS, 360… etc… I’m not a newbie, by far I can be a well versed fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and I’ve been reading all kind of rants of people since Sonic Heroes, or earlier with Adventures, saying the games are crap and SEGA should kill Sonic… some games had their positive things and negative ones, and most of the fans and media only saw the negative ones and the “retro-grade” people only cared that it’s not like the 8 and 16bits…

Since Sonic 4 SEGA has been trying to make us relive the retro… over and over… Sonic 4… then again repeating stages and bosses in Sonic Generations… and now Mania (and soon Forces for the 4th time repeating the retro recycling)… really? if I want to play the retro I double click my Gens emulator (sadly my Mega Drive works no more) or my Dreamcast and the previous Xboxes I bought.

Sonic Mania is a complete lack of dignity and proof of SEGA having no ideas at all about what to do with Sonic the Hedgehog games… I didn’t play the game because I can’t afford it or any other game with my current economical issues… but I watched a walkthrough thrice… and the game makes me feel really depressed because it’s almost all recycled stuff, even what it doesn’t look like recycled, like some stages, they have many stage designed platform mechanics like other previous games, I’ve seen Marble Garden in some places… Carnival Night in others… etc… Ice Cap… Mushroom Hill… even bosses, I’ve seen the Mushroom Hill Act 1 Boss tweaked and resprited and other bosses a real fan of Sonic would see inmediately, even some bosses mechanics merged into 1… and I could go forever about how much the extra parts of the stages doesn’t match-blend with the original parts… how sad is to copy-paste Sonic 3&K Special Stages into Bonus Stages… silly cameos from other games… etc… a blatant abuse of nostalgy…

It’s impossible for me to give a thumbs up to a game that has almost no originality, no uniqueness and that took advantage of what the developers of Sonic 1, CD, 2, 3 & Knuckles did… to smash it all together into a game, if I were the developer, I wouldn’t feel so proud for using what others did previously over 20 years ago.

The gameplay looks nice… yeah… but that’s because they’ve copied completely a previous game, they took an easy path… and I want something new, a real Sonic 4, not a Sonic3&K…&1&2&CD, 3D or 2D, I don’t care… the problem with Sonic is not “Modern sucks, retro is cool” or viceversa, it’s SEGA that doesn’t know what to create or how to do it well.

That’s it… I wish I were a troll, but as a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog this game is not the right path to take, or the franchise will stagnate, and we’ll get fed up of the retro Sonic games… I’ve seen so many different times the Death Egg Robot… raced Metal Sonic in different ways… and crossed many Green Hills… in 3 games that were not the original ones… please, SEGA, have some pride at least if you don’t know what’s the dignity.

The game never ceases to amaze me. Of all the classic games, this one is better than
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (my favorite classic sonic game back in the day) It can deflationary be a fun game and it’s only $19.99 too :slight_smile:

@RikBM I get were your coming form with sega relying on retro all the time, sadly, due to how the modern sonic games are constantly being labeled bad despite being a million times better than sonic 06 (from what I here) I did find games like Sonic Generations to be great. and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are my favorites in the adventure line. Not to mention you get folks like IGN and the ones who say that modern sucks constantly showing the bias they have. (Not that the modern fans are better or anything). Personally I love both modern and classic Sonic lines, always have, always well.

But here is my question to you now, what exactly are you looking for in a sonic game? what would you consider new to the gameplay?

I just got this game. I suck :confused: Not sure if I should go fast or take it slow to avoid obstacles.

go fast, learn, die, rinse repeat

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Eh, a little of both.

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I finished the game with Sonic and all emeralds.

While the classic games aren’t what I grew up with, I still got some grins on my face with the tons of references the game throws in.

If you love classic Sonic, you’ll adore this game. If you don’t…this won’t convince you. The game doesn’t really reference anything outside of the Genesis/Gamegear era, and that’s kinda sad.

I’m going to keep playing it and of course watching reactions to the game’s hi-jinx on youtube. But I’m still more interested in Forces.


Kinda pisses me off that Sonic Mania is somehow making people crap on the 3D games even more.

Apparently the Adventure games cannot be reasonably enjoyed, smdh


The adventure games are the only good games.

When people point out how flawed they are, it just proves the point even more. EVEN WITH all the flaws, it is stil loved more passionately than any other sonic game.


You’re not really helping by saying this lol

I like a lot of Sonic games of different genres although I mainly grew up with Adventure 2.

A lot of the 3D games are flawed and haven’t aged well, but I still have fun with most of them overall and think they are generally good games.

Meanwhile, I think that Sonic 3 and Knuckles is “perfect” in the sense that it’s designed consistently and polished, but I personally don’t enjoy it anymore than the 3D games because it’s kinda simple for me.

I think Mania is a fantastic game, but apparently because of that I can’t like Sonic Adventure 2? Seriously, half the reviews I read/watch of Sonic Mania talk about how terrible Sonic’s 3D era was. If Sonic’s 3D era was that bad, he wouldn’t still be here.


SEGA have been trying to come up with a new, original formula for Sonic for years, so it isn’t as if they’ve only “given us retro games/reused ideas.” They’re tried (and often failed) many times to take Sonic in a new direction, they moved to 3D and since then he’s been a “Werehog” a knight, used wisp powers and had controllable speed among other things, all to varying degrees of success, so I don’t feel it’s fair, nor accurate to say SEGA didn’t try anything new other than trying to stir nostalgia in the original games’ fan base.

Honestly though, I’ve been trying to get excited about a Sonic game for years, only the conversations I end up having usually go like this:-

“Hey Nitric, there’s a new 3D Sonic game coming out!”
“Oh really? Cool, will it be like Adventure/Generations/Colours?”
“No, he’s a werewolf/knight/robot/dinosaur hybrid that can see time and wears fishing waders, he also has 3 thousand slightly palette swapped sidekicks”


I love the retro games and I really like some of the 3D games, but SEGA honestly seem to have trouble understanding the simple charm of the original games (I’m including Adventure here btw) without going way overboard.

All there ever needed to be to make Sonic great again was more of it, retain the speed, keep the flow, keep the simple, cute character designs and iron out the bugs whilst adding some original game play elements, just don’t turn him into a half hedgehog, half mollusc hybrid who can communicate with trees and excretes rainbows.

i lol’d. not sure if serious or trolling. smfh