[SOLVED] Mural Artist achievement Steam bug

Hi guys, I have a problem with the steam version of the game. I completed all the requirements of Mural Artist achievement (first season) , but the achievement still not opened… I have relogged into the game many times, completed the game for several characters again, but nothing helps. Who anybody had a similar problem? Did you manage to solve it?

The whole mural is open. All endings are available.

It’s been a month since I completed all the requirements. I log into the game almost every day, but the achievement doesn’t pop up.
Steam version

:fire: UPDATE :fire:
Problem solved. A small patch was released yesterday. I updated the client and the achievement popped up as soon as I logged into the game. Thanks to the support!

Thank you for reporting this.
We have been tracking this one for another user. We will send you a message with more information shortly.

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Thank you. I’ll be waiting for your answer.

Problem solved. A small patch was released yesterday. I updated the client and the achievement popped up as soon as I logged into the game. Thanks to the support!

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