Should i keep playing as fulgore?

Should i keep playing as fulgore? im preety good with him, but i might switch to glacius. is there any suggestions?

Considering Fulgore is often considered 1 of the best and most versatile characters in the cast, I would personally recommend that you stick with him (although it doesn’t hurt to branch out a little, especially to learn specific matchups). As for Glacius, there aren’t that many out there, so it couldn’t hurt to have 1 more out in the wild either. :wink:

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Question: Do you have fun when playing Fulgore?

A) Yes, a lot! : Continue playing him
B) Yes, but I’m starting to question myself about learning another character: Continue playing him, learn a new character.
C) No: Switch character

I’m going with B, since learning a new character is always fun, but you don’t have to drop your main

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Id stick with him and completely master him. There is no reason not too if you are already very comfortable with him. It can only get better from where you are now.

What would be your reasoning for switching? That’s the big question. Nothing wrong with playing other characters. I main Fulgore and play probably 8 or 9 others. Play what you enjoy man! The bot is awesome. But so are many others. If you need tech, or matchups, it’s all here.

I have the most fun when playing with my main, I suffer some match ups but got to learn many of them and I’m feeling always more comfortable with my main than changing. I stick with it in the good times and bad times.
But I enjoy playing other characters as well, however my chances to win vary considering I don’t have precise match up knowledge with those characters.
I consider Riptor and TJ, for instance, really fun to play! But I’m far from being as solid as with my main. Also I enjoy playing with Glacius, is like changing the playstyles for a bit to give me other perspective to aproach the match =)

In short, that’s up to you, just try to have fun.

even after all changes Double Helix made in terms of gameplay, Fulgore still a beast. I love everything he does, even after all nerfs n’ buffs.