Would any of you mind if I ask, how do you get your shadow recordings? The only recordings I use are ones I take from matches in online ranked. I never record in Shadow Lab except for the initial 3 recordings to use to get it activated, and while it functions, it seems so weak, I’m really sure this isn’t the Cinder I trained. He doesn’t seem to do much, and when he goes on the defensive, he always uses heavies, which is incredibly weird since I do a lot of mixup between all strength linkers and autos.
Even my Thunder, who I haven’t trained since season 2 behaves like this as well. He’s too stupid and does nothing but heavies. He doesn’t use any of the old high low setups I used when I was a Thunder main, and he’s just to docile, my Thunder was so much more aggressive. He used to poke with long range heavies and mediums and used Ankle Slicer from range and had all sorts of block cross up shenanigans.
For Thunder, I used to record against other Shadow opponents a lot, but after a while I just used only ranked footage. But for Cinder, I only ever use match recordings to train him.
I applaud the shadow lab for what it is trying to do, but something went wrong with it, and now the shadow lab has got to be messed up. I’m not gonna outright delete my shadows, but it’s disheartening to see my Cinder that I have put so much effort into go to waste with him being so lacking.
I would also like to ask that we play each other’s shadow sometime and see how they react to other players than ourselves and see how aggressive they are. Maybe there is something wrong with us downloading our OWN shadows to test, but we don’t know how they behave against other players.
Edit: If any of you want to challenge my shadow, my Thunder can be found by Challenge Shadow > Sort by price > select Thunder as character > select 250 point category > He’s in 24th place. If you fight him, let me know how he reacts and works in battle, because if he’s as docile playing others as he is against me, then there is some consistency to the issue. If he’s more aggressive and less…stupid, then there’s an issue of you fighting your own shadow, and that helps narrow it down.