Shadow Lords TOO HARD!

Sasuke… you are a young teenager with minimal responsibilities… no offense, but you cant even begin to understand how precious time for playing video games is when you are a full fledged adult with adult things to deal with.

Yes its takes about 4 days or playing an hour or so each day to fully go through SL the right way.

thats great that you can sit there all night and play to your hearts content and skip to the omens,ect… good for you

Just a quick insert, it’s pretty obvious that you’re getting frustrated, but at minimum it only takes about 15 to get to Gargos fully debuffed. Just ignore all missions & advance your turns and only engage Omens.

But yeah, I guess if it keeps not being fun for you, just keep on playing the parts that are fun.

It takes about 30 minutes to kill the Omens and fight Gargos.

I know this. I’ve done it a ton grinding for the mimic skins.

The time I tried to skip everything… I got 1 omen then Gargos arrived out of no where.
Its not a big deal guys…Ill get Astral plane one day when I have time. Id rather kick the sheet out of people online or play Dark SOuls.

Good for you! Go get em!

Next time i will sit there with a stop watch and make sure I dont over exaggerate the timing in future posts :wink:

I’ve gotta say, from all my playthroughs that is not typical at all. I’ve beat Gargos enough to unlock all the mimic skins with a " beat Gargos" requirement, and the worst I had was 1 omen didn’t show. So that is really odd.

Play to my hearts content and skip to the Omen’s? Something seems off. If you deploy wisely and just fight the Omen’s to debuff Gargos, it takes 15-25 minutes approx. If needed, just deploy. You don’t need to play the mode the “right” way by fighting everything. Just skip to the Omen’s and deploy to prevent Gargos coming before you kill all the Omens.

Lol. @FallofSeraphs76 we must have some old person dimentia that makes things take longer for us. I think @SonicDolphin117, as you have said in this and other threads, that you have played a ton of this mode, enough to collect absolutely insane amounts of stuff. You have to admit there’s a way to play against the AI and you have to kind of know what that is. You can’t just skip turns and fight omen, You have to do some management to make sure that the omens don’t all show up and then Gargos gets his buffs. It isn’t just a simple thing if you haven’t developed any experience with the mode.

@SonicDolphin117 you also say that Gargos is easy and anyone can do it, but it wouldn’t be right for them to decrease the difficulty because then everyone would get the stage. Which strikes me as either a paradox or at least a little disingenuous. You can’t simultaneously make the argument that it’s easy AND that it is supposed to be hard.

In any case there are two discussions going in here. First, can “anyone” beat Gargos? Yes - but it will be harder for some than others and requires a combination of skill at fighting the AI and patience to invest in building the resources. I don’t do well against the AI on challenging without investing more resources than I’m earning. I’m sure I could get better. But that’s the other discussion going on: is it worth it. I think @FallofSeraphs76 is trying to say that for him, it isn’t worth it. He’s not actually looking for training tips. All these examples of “my grandma who never touched a controller beat Gargos in one go” are a: exaggerated or untrue and b: irrelevant. It’s just another way to say “get good.” It’s not being helpful, it’s just being dismissive.


Probably becasue I used a st. whatshisface to enhance corruption lol

My argument is that it’s supposed to be hard, but it’s not so hard that people need to accuse the developers of milking microtransactions and stuff like that.

One of those points is on what your expectations going into the mode should be, and the other is on how the mode actually is. So I’m not really sure I’m contradicting myself here.

Yes, you can. On Challenging you do have to complete a mission here and there to make sure corruption doesn’t build too fast, but as someone already pointed out, deploying exists.

And I did note that in one of my previous posts. I would never expect anyone to beat Gargos first try.

Real talk, what I actually said is not nearly as exaggerated as that.

Point taken, guess I should stop after this post.

Bottom line is Ive done all that and made it to Gargos 2x since the official release.both times he got the FANG. Every one that has posted videos and say its easy DID NOT GET FANG! They got flesh or lung or heart. Try fighting him with Fang of Gargos while only having Common green guardians, and see how that goes.

If I trully wanted to git gud and beat him I would and I could. But I dont feel like investing all of my KI time to Shadow Lords. Its not that great of a mode. Its cool, but its not worth playing for hours to get Killer guardians and all the mimic skins.

Just not my cup o tea, and for the record I never said it needs to be made easier. But they do need to adjust it to whatever they said they were going to do when they cranked up the AI to Kyle difficulty.

If i want to spend my time getting wrecked by the AI Ill do that in Dark Souls…which Im heading off to go play now…cheers!

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Well there’s part of the problem. How does one only have green guardians by now?

Because I carried them over from the beta. I have not bought any guardians since the release becasue I didnt even know there were other level / colors of guardians. I thought I had all i needed with 2 rams, snake, fractured, exemplar and vampire. There isnt anything that shows or tells you that you can get higher level guardians cards. and if there is you have to search for that info… why would anyone search if you just dont know?

But hey, its cool…I know now and i will eventually play a bit here and there and maybe get a Killer Guardian pack. But for now…no rush.

thanks for the tips everyone!


I haven’t played much of SL since my last Gargos beatings almost a month ago now. Time is a big factor for me as well as “life happens/ priorities.” Glad that @FallofSeraphs76 and @BigBadAndy agree.

Yeah, that would probably do it. lol

Next time, whenever that is, don’t do that. It’s not necessary.

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The 3.4.2 patch that went live actually applied quite a few fixes based on feedback that couldn’t be done on the server side.

  • Fixed the issue where defeating Gargos with General RAAM could Soft Lock the game
  • Updated the AI that Gargos and Omen use so that they aren’t TOO crazy anymore
  • General AI tweaks to make them block a little less in situations where you’d expect them to get hit
  • Fixed an issue where Omen and Gargos AI would break WAAAY too quickly after being combo’d.
  • Tweaked Boss Gargos’ Resurrection. Normal difficulty is much, much slower, making it easier to capitalize on knocking him out before he gets full life.

There will be even more tweaks in 3.5. But these addressed some of the more immediate issues I was able to track down in-time for the update.

I also noticed that the Wings of Gargos is applying a bit more Potential Damage than intended. That will be fixed very, very soon. Should help resolve some situations where he may do one or two combos and completely decimate you :stuck_out_tongue:

Definitely feel free to keep the feedback coming.


Hmmmm interesting.

Thank you for expanding on the SL changes, I was hoping someone would do that in the 3.4.2 thread. I look forward to trying to beat Challenging and Godlike Gargos now.

I gotchu! I also posted in the patch notes thread too.

Patch notes for everyone!


I hope the stage unlock works now in SL?