Shadow Lords/Miscellaneous Feedback

So I’ve been playing Shadow Lords pretty consistently the past few days (thanks again for letting me into the beta!), and so far here’s what could be improved:

  1. Several mimic skins need work. I’m sure others have done a much better job of critiquing them than I can, but I’m just supporting the suggestion.

  2. I absolutely hate having to walk around collecting the orbs that pop out of the chest after each fight. Just make them magnetize to you immediately, all the walking does is frustrate me and waste time.

  3. I’ve heard that days will no longer be skippable without fighting at least one battle. Please, please do not implement this. The current system encouraging minimizing corruption so you can take out Gargos’ buffs one at a time before he shows up is more than adequate. Forcing fights makes the game less strategic. If something has to be done, just include a “Are you sure?” prompt for skipping days so it’s not done accidentally.

  4. Going to echo other concerns about the menu needing to be more streamlined. Feels clunky right now, and the war room loads too slow for my liking. Also, a way to access archives outside of Shadow Lords mode would be great. Maybe also combine entries into a log to maximize the amount of info you can read at once without messing around in menus?

  5. Weaken tank chests just a smidge. Right now hitting 2x seems to require perfection with only a few characters. Don’t make it a pushover, but the difficulty could be toned down a tad.

  6. Gargos’ minions need nerfs. Even on normal difficulty, they can be maddening. It also gives me traumatic flashbacks to this year’s EVO finals.

  7. Increase the probability of discovering characters’ and item dossiers. Several characters have around 20, and I’ve gotten 0 of them despite several days of play. The world/guardian ones are unlocking at a reasonable speed though.

  8. Similar to my complaint below, please speed up post-fight stuff specific to Shadow Lords.

  9. Probably my most minor complaint, but right now the guardians have no indication of what their rank are. I have a Gold and I have no idea if it’s Epic or Killer. A minor complaint, but just something I noticed.

Non-Shadow Lords Suggestions:

  1. Make trials viewable within pause menu. I hate having to quit out of a mode just to see what the new trials are.

  2. On a similar note, every so often when I view fight challenges through the pause menu, the game locks up. Please fix this bug.

  3. Please speed up post-fight stuff. Let me skip the character’s victory cutscene like I’m currently able to skip the opening cutscene, and either speed up the stat calculations/exp addition or make it skippable entirely. With all the fights the mode encourages us to have, the speed of post-fight animations/screens just makes it feel like much more grindy.

These complaints aside, the mode has a lot of potential, just needs a significant amount of streamlining to limit boredom/impatience, some balancing, and maybe some aesthetic improvements. Looking forward to the Eyedol stuff and all the other additions you supposedly have in store. Thanks for reading.

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[quote=“BobbyTastic, post:1, topic:14198”]
2) I absolutely hate having to walk around collecting the orbs that pop out of the chest after each fight. Just make them magnetize to you immediately, all the walking does is frustrate me and waste time.
[/quote]They always magnetize to me fairly fast, before I can even collect them they get sucked up.

[quote=“BobbyTastic, post:1, topic:14198”]
9) Probably my most minor complaint, but right now the guardians have no indication of what their rank are. I have a Gold and I have no idea if it’s Epic or Killer. A minor complaint, but just something I noticed.
[/quote]The color tiers are pretty standard for most loot driven games. Green > Blue > Purple > Gold.

[quote=“BobbyTastic, post:1, topic:14198”]
5) Weaken tank chests just a smidge. Right now hitting 2x seems to require perfection with only a few characters. Don’t make it a pushover, but the difficulty could be toned down a tad.
[/quote]I find it mostly impossible to break a 2x chest without having some kind of damage boosting relic and 2 bars of shadow.

Once tapped you never have to walk to/ around a chest.

With orchid, I can just throw a grenade from across the screen.

Kim, a dragon kick
You get the idea.

Thus part of the mode is all about interactivity.

So far enjoying the mode. I just the code and just started playing yesterday. I agree with a lot of the feedback from the OP and will just add that I’ve experienced some slowdown in my first few matches.

I would also move the purchase of KI gold to the far end instead of the second tab as you are less likely to be buying KI gold frequently and maybe move crafting to the 1st or 2nd tab.

Grouping item that requires the same material for crafting would also be beneficial so you could easier decide what you want to prioritize crafting.

I’ve only used Jago, Kim and Riptor and have to say I enjoy the funny if campy dialogue. I wished it was voiced though.

Yeah, hopefully they magnetize faster for me in the full release. And hopefully they nerf those tank chests, based on what I hear about Gargos being more ridiculous, I doubt it.

Still, you should at least be told in a tutorial about tiers, you have to account for people who don’t really have RPG loot tiers memorized.

I don’t mind opening the chest, I just want the match to end quicker after I do.

I agree about the KI gold needing to be moved, but since IG is basically banking on microtransactions here, I doubt it’ll happen.

I agree with grouping, and I hope that’s going to happen. I’d also like voiced dialogue, but I accept that will 99% never happen. Even full games with much bigger budgets can’t afford to voice all the lines.

Alright, so I’ve played enough of the full release I think to make a summary of what changes I liked and which ones I didn’t like.

  1. Mimic skins could still use improvement, but at this point, I doubt it’s going to happen. I will however stress that I think the current unlock criteria for several of the skins is insane. Absolutely insane, especially the “Kill Gargos with this character X times”. Gargos should also be worth 10 Mimic kills, not 5. If you want, you can have Gargos grant a different number of kills depending on the difficulty. Or hell, let Omen kills count towards the total.

  2. I notice the orbs magnetize to your character significantly faster, and while it isn’t 100% as fast as I’d like, it’s definitely an improvement. I still don’t really get the point of multiple orbs though when there’s no way to tell the items apart.

  3. I am very happy that you can still skip days as you see fit. There may be a prompt implemented in the future for clumsy people, but as it is now is absolutely fine.

  4. The Shadow Lords menu is still kind of clunky. Particularly in terms of guardians (there needs to be a “Feed All” button or something (whether it’s ALL guardians, or all of one type of Guardian), or at least “Feed to maximum” on each individual guardian. Emporium still needs the KI gold menu moved, and the numbered notifications for different craftable items drives my OCD wild. Archives should still be viewable from another menu.

  5. I’m not sure if tank chests have been weakened or if the guardians +ATK bonus has made a huge difference, but tank chests are significantly easier to open now (but not guaranteed which is good). The difficulty is perfect currently, please do not change it further. Thank you for fixing this.

  6. Minions are more bearable. But Gargos himself is now a nightmare, as I’m sure you guys are well aware. Absolutely nerf him on Challenging and especially Godlike. Normal-difficulty Gargos is a different story, as I think the odds are incredibly in your favour there and the complaints about that difficulty level confuse me.

  7. I feel like the probability of dossiers is slightly higher. Obviously I’d prefer it be even higher than now, because I’ve logged so much time into the mode and only have a third of character dossiers so far, but I guess that’s what the deploy option is for, cutting down on that grind. There’s also a glitched World dossier (Blood Vampirism) and 2 seemingly glitched World cinematics. Please fix those when you can.

  8. Post-fight stuff has been somewhat sped up, but the results screens for the match (in terms of exp/leveling) and the event (the one with the X’d out characters and health %s) still load kind of slow. On the bright side, rewards load quicker and are easier to skip.

  9. My complaint regarding not being able to tell Guardian tiers has 100% been addressed. Thank you very much.

All my Non-Shadow Lords complaints are still there however. I really hope you’ll address these in your next patch now that most of the Shadow Lords work is done.

Thanks again for reading, and thanks for this free timesink of a mode.

Why does Mimic Tusk still have his patch of normal skin in the versus screen?

I have the worst time with shadow Lords multiplayer search time. I actually had enough time to write this post and read my Twitter while waiting for someone to Roger up.