Serious sets playing with kanra

Serious sets #7 as kan Ra vs Charles201977’s Aria enjoyed


I been waiting for you to share your kan ra exploits.

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Thank you Sleep! I’ve been actually wanting to play Kan-Ra and learn him, but there are hardly any videos of him online. I appreciate dude! I will take some ideas and such from this. :smiley:


Sleep you are still the king of Kan Ra! Epic sets!

Can’t wait to see the potential you pull out of Sadira!

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Thank you guys I just want to help you guys improve :smile:


I want to play kan ra a lot more. Maybe by watching you I can learn how to approach the character in a competitive match. :slight_smile:


Do it dude! I know you will have a good one!


I see you homie


I’ll try.

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To quote Yoda:

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”


I’ll trying my best to help is much is possible since i’m doing serious sets will all my characters vs every match up in the game


That’s good. Someone in your position in the community can help dispel popular beliefs of characters and match ups. I remember when peeps wanted gargos nerfs right after you win evo. I am happy to see you so humble to help us out :slight_smile:


It’s my job at this point and every time I win there is a pattern imo of my characters getting adjusted next patch

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LMFAO. ARIA ain’t get nerfed that bad lol

She’s getting a huge nerf bat. Oh it’s happening, guaranteed. assists deal less damage, crescendo becomes punishable, damage ender damage reduced, explosive arc links now have a more visual cue, shotgun buttons range nerf, and becomes more punishable.

Oh yes, the nerf bat is coming. :sob:


Is sad because I don’t think she’s unfair.

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No but she’s getting nerfed. :sob:

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Hope you go back to Kan Ra if Arbiter gets adjusted, always liked watching your play with him.

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Me too


I lost in torunament to best Kan Ra in my region, I’m not liking this match up for Wulf. I know Wulf is very good against him once he is close enough, but I can’t go through all the traps. And the worst part, this player really knows Wulf mu. When I used my one day Fulgore (wich I only did lab most of the time) I almost got it. Wow, I mean WOW. I could use the plasma slide (or whatever it’s called) ignoring the bugs, teleport, fireballs, etc. He has so many tools!

So, honestly, should I just drop wulf for this match up and totally focus in Fulgore?

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