Season 4 Confirmed?

Seems to me with Shadow Lords, we get a bigger (all KI characters including) storymode then in the previous seasons. So why do you feel it might not be a thing?

Iā€™m fine with guests as long as theyā€™re not forced into the lore. They are there because it makes for a fun fighting game , but if you try to force something into the story ala darth vader or yoda in soul caliburā€¦ ugh. No one cares why theyā€™re in ki, donā€™t try and shape the ki story around justifying them PLEASE

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How so? The mode looks fantastic to p!ay but story?

Itā€™s a pick a team to stop gargos mode lots of challenges and loot but apart from perhaps some text lore its meant to be generic (otherwise why would omen and what be allowed?).

S2 had a mode with cuts ends, narration and character development which against the odds explained why a ghost was fighting a dinosaur and why a golem teamed up with an American Indian to find an lmummified sorcerer.

Were not gonna really get why a battle toad is fighting a immortal barbarian via shadow lords IMO. Shame really as the Gargos trailer gave massive hints to what we can (or perhaps could) have gotten in to why each character is fighting.

The following is a question about Shadow Lords and an answer from a dev (TempusChaoti), which give me hope for decent story parts.

-2. How is the season three story woven in to this mode? Is it all text boxes? Are any parts cinematic or narrated like in season 2? Are there special matches for rivals or anything along those lines?

Itā€™s both text and cinematics and yes there are special events.

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I believe IG is CONSIDERING a 4th season, otherwise the survey they made would make no sense, im confident that we will see eagle, eyedol and the sharkman between now and the end of season 4


Honestly, Iā€™m hoping we get those and a gorgon, like the one suggested by @xSkeletalx .

Iā€™ve wanted this for too long*. (Read as a year or so.)

Ultimates, Ultimates, and Ultimates.

And give us Eyedol, Eagle, the magician archer, & the genie.

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What is this Sharkman thing everyone seems to be talking about? Is it like a Street Sharks character or something?

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How would a djinn work in KI?

The fact the Eyedol was on the poll makes me cringe, obviously heā€™s not going to be the final character set to be out this month. Then again Eagle was on the list too, so I guess that means its either a guest or an original character.

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It better be a hype character. I mean season 1 ended with fulgore, season 2 ended with cinder (well aria and shago I guess) and both cinder and fulgore are with ultratech so it would make sense if eyedol was the last one for season 3.

How would that make sense? Thereā€™s no ā€œEVIDENCEā€ eyedol is affiliated with ultratech.

In the original KI, eyedol is summoned by ultratech and is used by them.

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Thatā€™s not evidence.

Itā€™s even in the original game.

How does the original game tie in with this one?

The two past games are not canon with this KI.

I know, but some of the stories are still the same.

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Thatā€™s true, but Eyedol being part of UltraTech isnā€™t. At least not until it has been confirmed otherwise.

Iā€™d rather they just focus on supporting S3 till the end. Leave off on a positive note.