Season 3 Wulf breakdown/tech/discussion lobby

I’m finding that 2hk trades for about the same amount of damage more often than not. Am I doing it wrong?

Not that I’m aware of. It seems like everyone’s grounded normals trade with wrecking ball unless you hit him early enough (before he gets armor). There really is no possible way to punish that move unless your character has an aerial reversal-type move. The only universal answer I have found to it across the cast is to shadow counter.

Shadow counter doesn’t work if you’re Omen actually. He slides under it and escapes, but it doesn’t punish at all.

That said, I did find that 2hk is a good option to cover any follow-ups from wrecking ball unless you are completely crossed-up. It has a tiny bit of a hitbox behind it, so I was catching the follow-up (or mk or whatever it was) at surprising distances behind me.

Possibly a dumb question, but what is our stagger used for?

Really good for stuffing opponents expecting to tech a throw. So best after flip out, wall splats, and certain block strings where the opponent is expecting a throw. Leads to very high damage because the hit after the stagger is not breakable.


C.HK goes through armour? I thought it was only possible with s. HK , gonna try it later.

As I understand it, all grounded heavies go through armor. I think this even includes command normals, so 4hp should too. I can’t recall that situation coming up as Wulf, but I know as Omen I was blowing up a Rash with 6hp every time he tried to wrecking ball.

Also, you should let me know what you find using I didn’t find it to be a good solution. You trade about 100% of the time for almost equal damage, but it wall-splats you so you lose positioning. I could be doing it poorly though.

Yeah all grounded heavy normals including c.HK beat armor. That also means crouching HP is an excellent footsie tool against Aganos :smiling_imp:
Not sure about command normals though. I seem to recall b.HP not having an effect on Aganos’ chunks but I could be mistaken.

I’ll try to record some examples next time I play Rash online. They seem to be few and far between these day.

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