Season 3 clips from Gamespot

Tusks face does look odd, but HUGE PROPS to the devs for his facial expressions. His face animations give off a lot of emotion and make him the most human looking character in the game.

I am pretty happy with this. Arbiter turned out better than I thought he would. It’s not that I thought he would be bad, I just thought he would end up more like Kim and Rash who lack many of the character-specific mechanics that I tend to gravitate towards (such as Aganos’s chunk system, Fulgore’s reactor, Kan Ra’s sand traps). I LOVE what they have done with the carbine by the way.

Everyone’s here commenting on the S3 characters.

Meanwhile, I’m here amazed at how Glacius looks on the new lighting in Kan-Ra’s stage.

Ooh, which clip has glacius on Kan Ra’s stage?


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