I’ve posted various stuff on Riptor’s KI2 model that I created.
I know the one down here is similar to the one on the left. I had difficulty deciding the right one. so I decided to post both.
Oh and here is a sample of the sprite hseet I’ve been doing
I love this! I love this so much! 
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Its based on the KI-1 design but with some differences like cuffs on the ankle and raptor claws on the feet. Not a huge difference but its one of them.
It’s absolutely fantastic. As a huge Riptor fan, this brought a huge smile to my face! 
well as a huge Riptor fan myself I’m happy to say that I’m glade too.
Also I made these incase you thought these were from KI-2
and here is another
Along with a sprite

This is so cool!
Keep up with the amazing work, dude! ;D