Casual stuff, beat ladder, etc. I play on PC emulator, have no other way.
But boy, am I doing something wrong or classic KI`s are overly complicated?
Is it possible to learn precise combo breaking or is it designed for luck mashing?
Why inputs are batshit insane? Tusks Web of death is hcb+strong punch, but EX one is hcf, b+strong punch, WHAT THE ACTUAL ■■■■??
I cant figure out collision detection, sometimes I do special, my opponent does not block and it just whiffs through him.
How long combos can I do before opponents gets “blown out” without ender? From what I practiced, its kinda random…
Can someone help me out? I want to understand this game. I am trying
to practice some methodical combos, include those ridiculously hard EX
moves in them and etc. but I feel like these games were designed to
button mashing…
Not at all, it has its logic. The thing is I played while I was little and had no understanding whatsoever of the “technical aspect” as the same level I have in this game. I played by instinct.
Openers, linkers and breakers work differently in KI2. The special square (you need three to make an enhanced move or whatever they are called).
Normals are different in this game, I heard they are weaker…But I think you can combo after them.
To combo break: you need the right motion for your character (eg. with Wulf is back-forward K or P). Depending on the auto double they are making (if they are using punch or kick buttons) you break the kicks by pressing the command + Punch or the Punch by pressing the breaker command + Kick.
You have two main linkers I guess and not with all the stregnths. You should check the movement set of the character you play.
EG: Go to practice mode, set the AI :off and try making a special move and hit different buttons to check the auto doubles that will follow. You can try another linker after than and then the ender. For example with Sabrewulf: Go back-Forward + Medium Punch, then hit light kick and finally back-forward + Heavy kick. To make a manual combo from a jumping attack you can just mash HK after jumping (hit it twice or three times) then add back-forward + HK, the opponent will enter in a block string if it doesn’t confirm. You can also jump HK and once you hit the ground use the command down+HP and then perfom the first combo I wrote (because you can follow that with a linker).
Combo enders: there are 4 and are character specific. I only play Wulf and Fulgore so I really don’t know the others, I should play and figure it out. After you performed 4 enders you can get the fifth ender =) With Wulf the enders would be: B-F + (HK) , B-F + (HP) , B-F + ( MK) , B-F + (LP) and finally the fifth B-F + (LK)
Ultras: just the same as the first one. You do it while in danger. But there’s a “mini ultra” you can perform during the end of the first lilfebar
Enhanced moves: While incombo if you have three squares you can do them. I don’t remember the right command =P I perform them with Wulf like this: forward , QCB, forward + MP / MK. Maybe you can avoid the first forward? As I said I do it by instinct.
each character has a special move they can do with the squares. Eg, Fulgore can throw an eye laser while in the air or “mak” and opponent and throw 2 or 3 fireballs instead of 1.
eg2: with Woulf you get a “Stunt motion” that consumes 4 squares which is very powerful. You have to jump QCB + HP. You can throw a fireball (which I don’t recommend). To get suqares with Wulf you can just howl with B-F + LP (keep pressing it to get multiple howls!)
- some special moves are not combo linkers but they are finishers and very strong, they’ll use 6 squares but as linkers they’ll use 3.
- Finishing moves: they changed now, you can perform them only when the character is flashing red. Either you add them while making a combo (you must hold an specific button depending on the character) or you can do some at distance while they are in danger: again with wulf is just holding LP for few seconds and letting go, he will throw bats that if blocked they will charge a lot of ex bar, if they confirm they’ll finish the opponent.
two days ago I decided to stream a little KI2, I’m rusty but you can check the gameplay here to get an idea:
PS: Yeap, is in Spanish, but you can see the things I’m talking about. KI2 is a great game. You just need to get used to it =)