Random Character Tournament Vol. 3 (CONCLUDED)

Ok. How about I stream it early and you in the pary but I play Shadow Lords?

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Sure, lemme just tell @SonicDolphin117 to cut off the Pre-Show.

Do ai start in 20 min?

Start whenever you want, just tell us before you do.

LIVE with tournament: www.twitch.tv/stormsasuke180

Chicken Inn


Restarting since audio is broken.

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:frowning: @PVXenoraptor had the most heart felt speech.

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We start soon the tournament VERY soon, I’m assuming you’ll be on the Twitch stream www.twitch.tv/stormsasuke180 and Xbox Live soon as well

I will be there in 5-10 minutes

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Damn, got held up and missed it, was it like the indepent day speech?:sunglasses:

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I missed it too, buddy.

It was how @PVXenoraptor didn’t have a life and goes home and KI all day lel. Sort of.

Hey guys, I got an email saying the check in was aborted. Do I need to check in later or just through Xbox Live?

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I needed to do that to literally start the tournament lel

Here’s stream: www.twitch.tv/stormsasuke180

@oTigerSpirit you online?

Fair enough. Well I was checked in and ready!

Well, I am really ■■■■■■■ pissed off right now.

So as you may already know, my mother and I DO NOT get on. She doesn’t like the idea of me being a professional KI player and sitting on the Xbox all day. But then again she doesn’t understand the whole meaning of it.

I had to come off because she shouted at me REAL loud and forced me to turn off the Xbox, having Sasuke have a free win, I got frustrated and told her what the deal was, this tournament series being something I was waiting for during this entire month, I tried speaking up for myself, but she kept telling me she doesn’t care, she thinks I don’t have a life, she thinks that I don’t have any friends, and saying that you guys are not proper friends, she says I’m not gonna win ANY tournament (Thanks for having faith in me, mum). But like I said, she doesn’t understand.

Due to what happened to me earlier this pretty much ends the series of the Random Character Tournaments. This was the ONLY thing that made me feel happy and hyped, but it seems like my mum thinks that this isn’t important to me. I was supposed to announce Volume 4, but now that this has happened

RIP Volume 4 and the Random Character Tournament series.

So yeah, unfortunately that’s the end of the series, thanks to my mum.


@DulXboxOne Please say this on-stream for everyone after the current match.

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Sit down, have a calm chat and try to explain what it means to you, and maybe she’ll understand.

If that doesn’t work
we can always find someone else to run these. #HopeWillNeverDie


^^^^^^^ what he said.