Not even in the party XDD
Edit: Change the title too XD
Not even in the party XDD
Edit: Change the title too XD
Pre-Show has finished, thanks to @Crainiak24, @Dayv0, @lewisthewizard and @Sasuke99I for joining.
We will ALL be back along with @DulXboxOne to commentate for the Tournament Launch which is happening in approximately 2 hours and 30 mins.
@PVXenoraptor In the end, I took it over @hippie103 3-0 in grand finals. He put up one heck of a fight and I thank him for his time.
This was the most i played glacius in s3. Im surprised i got as far as i did
Gz @Crainiak24!
Your Aria is a boss!
I could’ve won if Kan-Ra wasn’t low tier.
Will you stream Shadow Lord walkthrough?
It was a blast and i’m surprised how far I got with RAAM! Hopefully there will another tourney like this again!!
GGs to all who participated!
Forever 9th.
Yes I will.
God dang glass cannon -_-
Did ig really help with this? I thought heard it mentioned but i was a little busy with somethings
Microsoft will give the top 3 early access codes to Shadow Lords.
Nice. Didnt know that was the prize.
Top 3 also gets a color 10 code from Ultimate Source I think.
This match is really scary…
Yes… I contacted them and I talked them into donating codes for our tournament as long as we in return advertised their products.
They didnt just reach out of the blue and give out the codes…I had to sweet talk them.
ARIA victory dance
Gargos last month…Aria this Month… Shadow Jago is due for Volume 3? Hmmmm
Thats a challenge to the guy that gets Shadow Jago next time!
How many ppl dropped out? I dont recall seeing a Shago.
or Eyedol?