Random Character Tournament Vol.1 (CONCLUDED)

OH BOY! I have to wakeup at 6am! Ugh…


I’ve gotta be up by 4am. Pacific Coast problems.

Ouch. That’s mean we must stay up late until start tournament…

What is BST time zone? Where are you? London, Bangladesh?

If I picked the right area that means your 12pm noon = USA central time as 1am Saturday the 30th.

No. British Summer Time to Pacific Daylight Time is -8. If 12pm BST, that’s 4am PDT, 5am MDT, 6am CDT and 7am EDT all on the same day.

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Should @DeadlyNadder792 delay his timezone? I mean he can delay time like 1pm or 2pm BST than we wait and stay up until ready to play tournament…

I’m afraid I’m gonna be either at work or in bed during this tournament, sorry :frowning:

Are you sure its 6am Central time?

that is too early…I wont be able to make that time. I could try but i cant guarantee Ill be up at 5am and ready to play at 6am. I wont go to bed friday night till at least 2am

12pm BST Friday = 6am CDT Friday

Not Saturday.

Well hell no that wont work Ill just be getting up and heading off to work at 7am.

Looks like Im out. Good luck!

I’d imagine you aren’t the only one. First thing in the morning on a weekday is rough.

But we still can play tournament if @DeadlyNadder792 delay his timezone like 2pm, 3pm or 6pm BST…

I prefer 6pm BST.

Unfortunately, this is the problem with the player base being mostly from the US and Europe. If either of us makes plans for an online-based tournament, the time needs to be fixed, and it needs to be at a reasonable time, on a weekend.

Sunday is usually when the 8BBD and KIPL take place, so Saturday is clearly the better choice. Then, we have timezone issues. If we use the basis of an 8 hour difference for 99% of players, then it should start between 5pm and 9pm BST to be lenient with the US base.

I have no problems making it to any online tournament right now, since I have no job. But that’s definitely not true for most people.

I’m on vacations until next wenesday, so I can adapt to any hour. My timezone is CEST

I can not play on friday until 6pm central time zone. (I dont get off work unitl 4:30-5pm)

Saturday earliest would be 8am central time and thats pushing it.

If it changes, I’ll make it but the current time of 6am tomorrow is just not happening for me. Good luck!

I understand, guys. If I push it to Saturday, will you guys be off work then? Probably Saturday 12pm (Pre-show), 4pm (Tournament Launch)?

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Sounds good to me. Don’t let me be the only deciding factor though. 8am-11am for USA sounds reasonable on a Saturday.

Both times are in British Summer Time

  • 12pm Friday
  • 4pm Saturday

0 voters

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4pm British time is 10am Central US time.

I can work with that.

Yep. No way am I waking up at 6:00 AM lol.