Question Any question (Forum game) [I'm kinda bored lol]

Revive. What Video game boss made you the most salty? Mine was boss Shago.

Oh my god there where so many, I could make a list of them but If i had to pick Iā€™d say itā€™s a tie between Vanitas Sentiment, mother effing Gill, The bed if Chaos And the Prisoner (after NG+) Kingdom hearts birth by sleep, Street fighter 3rd strike, and Dark souls 1 and 2

Vanitas Sentiment : One heath bar, But has attacks that take away your control (mixes them up), Can blind you so you canā€™t see, Has advantages up the ā– ā– ā–  with attacks that you have to block or roll at the right time, If you use cure, he heals all of the damage you layed on him, heā€™s fast as balls to this fight with Terra is a not just a test of key blade skill, itā€™s a test of you knowing everyone of his attacks.

Gill : Dear god, I hate this boss, still do yes i get it heā€™s the member / leader of the illuminati, oh god I hate fightting him as a kid, Attacks that deal high damage and stun, a super that deals death or close to death, block? lol still losing like 25 - 30% hp off chip, you K.O? wait he has super? and he rezā€™d himselfā€¦ crap.

Bed of Chaos : Itā€™s a treeā€¦ a living tree that fight, brakes the ground then tries to knock you in a pit so you can dieā€¦ I died a lot and when I killed it, It only takes one blowā€¦ I felt trolled.

The Prisoner (Ng+) More damage, a Small bump in speedā€¦ more magic damage and she getā€™s helpersā€¦ I died from the bossā€™s helpers, the boss itself and at one point, a glitch need less to say I was more then just saltyā€¦ I WAS THE EMBODIMENT OF SALT.