Problems with Ranked Leagues

every time i try to use ranked leagues multiplayer menu it says it cant connect to xbox live. everything else on the game works.
tried cloud/console/pc
home wired/home wireless/cellular
multiple accounts from my console
my NAT is open

I have barely done any ranked play in the game and have not done any sort of ranked shenanigans, any thoughts?

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You aren’t the only one who has encountered this issue lately with the ranked league ladder not syncing, I’ve had this issue for over almost a week now, and I’m about to lose my killer rank in leagues if I don’t get a match in tomorrow. At this rate though, I’ll be lucky if I can play ranked leagues ever again.

Also, I recently talked to @Juxtapose13 online as well, who has also encountered this issue too. So it’s affecting multiple people.

If anyone has a solution, I’m interested in hearing it as well.

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Going to chime in that I’m having this issue as well. Hopefully a fix comes soon, this has been going on for a bit now.

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Yup, I just tried again and I get the same sync error. This is with the PC - Microsoft Store version, and it’s a clean install. No issue with my connection to Xbox Live per the Xbox Networking diagnostic in Windows 10, and both Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Halo Infinite appear to be working fine.

Exhibition is working, though it take a little bit to sync.

The game is free-to-play on Xbox console, yes? If so, I can try on my Xbox One X but I’d expect the same results.

Yeah, it happened to me on xbox first, but then I decided to try the windows store version for the first time to see if the issue persisted across the platforms, and sure enough it does.

Also, if you bought the windows store version, you should own the game and all dlc for it to play on the xbox without any new purchase.

That really sucks. I haven’t played KI in about two weeks, but not due to that issue, but to an issue where I have to update my firmware on my controller every time I play, or negative edge is completely disabled. I can’t do any QC move at all. Even after I update, it can randomly disable itself during matches.

I tried to play on PC, but I get the same sync issur. Did a full uninstall, but now can’t even reinstall it.


To clarify, I wasn’t sure if you needed Xbox Live Gold to play multiplayer on Xbox Console, but it looks like it truly is free to play. I was aware the game is part of Xbox Play Anywhere.

I tested on my Xbox One X last night, and the issue is indeed present there too.

So no Ranked Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition for me.

That’s messed up. Is this your Xbox Elite Controller? Have you tried with a base Xbox One or Xbox Series Controller to see if the firmware issue happens there as well?

On PC, by the same sync issue, do you mean the one we’re having or the same Controller issue? How did you go about uninstalling the PC version? Have you installed the Xbox App?

And completely unrelated: How are you? It’s been a while and I hope you’re doing well!

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Well, it’s official, I lost my Killer rank because I couldn’t play a match to maintain it, but at this rate, I’d just like to try and resolve the issue so I could play rank again.

Update, @Jaranowska messaged me over live and told me he’s “experiencing issues” as well. I didn’t ask him for details, but at this point, I’m fairly sure we all know what he’s dealing with.

@Juxtapose13 maybe you may want to talk to the discord again and see if anyone else has started running into this issue.

Me trying to log in on ranked:


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Sorry to hear that, but at least you know it’d due to technical issues and not match losses and/or a slump.

It wasn’t until this morning that I saw something on the official Discord; 3 more people posting they’re having this issue. One of them even created a new account and attempted to play via X Cloud and got the same error, so it’s not due to local installs.

That means the issue is server side for sure.

The same person mentioned there was a discussion I missed in which Ranked is evidently screwed in general right now.

There is a video by Nicki on Youtube that says a hacker has made ranked unplayable for anyone and it’s unlikely there is anything even the creaters can really do.

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I just found the video you mentioned, man this kinda stinks. At least we still have sets and lobbies, but I’m gonna be hopeful about it.

The Discord is now saying ranked is pooched. Apparently Exhibition can take a long while too, but it works. Some players there are talking of switching to the PC - Steam version.

They’ve reached out on Twitter to attempt to get the issue resolved, but nothing yet of course.

Can someone link to said video?

I know a bunch of people were trying to get it to trend. I have been thinking about trying to get it on steam if that ranked league works.

Ranked does work on the PC - Steam version. The problem is no one is playing it. That version of the game has an insanely small player base.

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The KI team is now actively investigating the Ranked issue and will attempt to get it working ASAP. Also @IronFlame all of our ranks was reset to Qualifier, so I don’t know if your rank was actually reset or not. :slight_smile: :sleepy:

Well, if the KI team can’t resolve it, then it’s player base is about to grow by +1 at least.


There’s a Killer Instinct team? I thought it was just Xbox Support?

Just tested, ranked is back!