Primal Rage Remake

What if they added this feature for a new Primal Rage…

(Conquer Mode)

Essentially Primal Rage’s take on Shadow Lords mode, except with a slight twist. You chose one of the 16 or + presented monsters, but you pretty much get to decide on becoming the Urth’s new guardian, or their new destroyer.

Basically, missions would appear all over the map, but with guidelines that can effect later fights during your playthrough. Meaning lets say a guardian of a village (Blizzard) would begin to fight you if you attacked his tribe when fighting Sauron in the frozen mountains, or Talon begins to fight you right after you chose to kill one of it’s kind in the previous match, or even one where you fight the enebatable pterodactyl character in a hollowed cave after burning down her home if you play as Diablo. Pretty much bringing subtle dynamics to these Godlike beings, without giving them a single line of dialogue. (But maybe have a few tribesman narrate the lore during certain parts)

Then the climax has you fight Necrosan, but after beating him you could receive a certain amount of different endings depending on what you did during your conquest to get to him, which would have humans either respect or fear you.

And of course the map would be a much larger scale of the skull forming the islands. (Same T-Rex Skull, but segmented to multiple different areas representing the new characters and their stages.)



And lastly, if they do ever try to bring back this franchise, they should definitely bring back the dude who did the soundtrack for Primal Rage 2. Arik’s Seawall, Keena’s Cove, Blizzard’s Haven, and Xiao Ming’s Pad were surprisingly epic to listen to. ■■■■■ near KI2 levels in terms of awesome)

I would love to see this game remade having the combat style of ki that iron galaxy brings with the cool movie style story mode that netherrealm brings… that would be a crazy awesome game

Its atari.

Atari is like, three companies now. Some of it got sold to Williams which got bought by midway which got bought by WB. Some of it is owned by other companies, one of which still calls itself Atari. Believe me, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to sort out who owns Atari and it’s properties. It is very complicated and not all on public record.

I personaly think the music should goive a primitive feeling like the oirignal game did. I wasn’t very fond of the music form PR2

But the conquer mode is interesting.

It would be the one owned by the french company.

Keep in mind, Primal Rage was in one of the midway arcade treasure games. And sense it wasn’t a midway property to begin with, it’s not like they would have gone out of their way to license it.

How about the story goes like this:

PR1: Earth faced a cataclysm until the beasts arise. Armadon in the end revives it back to the way it was.

PR2: On another planet, the kaijus take their war on another. Just a thought. Some old kaijus move there.

While I still dislike the idea of playable humans in Primal Rage, I can get behind other aspects for these ideas!

I don’t care who remakes it just as long as it comes back.

Can Primal Rage happen on other planets besides just Earth?

Imagine a alternate reality where Primal Rage got revived and Killer Instinct remained an obscure 90s fighting game.

Imagine an alternate reality where both games got revived. Imagine a universe where Kennedy was never shot. Imagine a universe where Hitler cured cancer. The answer is don’t think about it.

Sadly though I’m afraid the game will never come back. no matter how much I’d love for it to come back.

But I will bet you if given the opportunity I will play it again.

We don’t have a lot of female kaiju like Vertigo lately. How about a bird kaiju join as a female?

Vertigo is evil. A good female kaiju is needed.

Yes the Primal Rage games could use another goddess

Any female kaiju thoughts?

Vertigo is a Sellosaurus with the cobra mane.

I thought of a bird kaiju. What do you suggest?

And here’s how I picture the reboot’s story:

In a parallel Earth, civilization fell and the kaijus take over the Earth as gods & goddesses.

And if there’ll be at least one special human, he ends up warped to that dimension and makes friends with one of the worshippers and the most kaiju to befriend - Armadon. He’ll be traveling with him across the globe of restoring life on the planet while recording the events he sees.

Technically these creatures where gods. But if I was to suggest a female, it would probably be a dire wolf.
Just to add one more mammal into the mix. Her gameplay speed would be somewhere between talon and Slashfang as well. But that’s just me.

The creatures being gods was explained in the lore itself. An arch-mage named Balsafas , saw what the gods where cpapable and feared that if they were not stopped, the whole universe would be in peril. His first idea was to destroy the gods, but he wasn’t powerful enough to do so. So he confronted vertigo and banished her to the moon and apparently that put all the other gods in suspended animation. Then when the cataclysm came and threw everything into chaos. Vertigo was able to break from her prison from the moon since the barriers weakned with time. and in turn thre cataclysm awoken the other gods.

That story can take place either on our earth on an alternate earth. We’re talkin’ multiverse.

A dire werewolf as female could work as Slashfang is male.

I have other kaiju in mind:

  • Vampire bat
  • Minotaur
  • Shark
  • Deinonychus
  • Spinosaurus
  • Arachnid (mix of spider/tarantula/black widow & scorpion)
  • Deinosuchus (prehistoric alligator)
  • Hyaenodon
  • Archaeopteryx (female)
  • Bird creature - Eagle/Hawk/Condor
  • Minotaur (since Motaro)

Diablo is a Tarbosaurus