Possible Xbox Live DDOS attack upcoming. Again

LOL I think you cracked the forum filter. Be prepared to see a lot of “Compound” words. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve become a disruptor of the system…
And I didn’t even mean to be.
My profane machinations make themselves known at the oddest times.

Our world is not our own. Fwuf…You are the one…

Please tell me you get this reference. Lol

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The sad thing is that it probably will. That’s why they do it - to get new console users to think it’s a piece of junk so they’ll return it; they’re probalby just some stupid fan-boys of the other console or PC that are attempting, rather fruitlessly, to prove their “superiority” over our game’s console of choice…

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They also did it for PSN as well.

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I am aware - that’s why I also suggested that they may be from the PC community.

What if it is a Candy Crush player who thinks Console games are too casual and pay 2 win?

I Fn hate people man…if they arent my friends or family…i cant stand them…because this is the kind of ■■■■ ppl you dont know do. TROLLS…life trolls …lol

Life trolls = ISIS and other terrorists. These guys that are ruining our holiday fun? They’re just inconsiderate idiots.

@Sasuke99I If they believed that, then the world truly is doomed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: