Possible balance changes for various characters (climax/wholio)

He can get 18% up front without sword normals, and 37% on a one chance into damage ender with a heavy manual. Jago gets 19%/34% and sabrewulf gets 19%/32%. What really makes the difference for tusk is just how damn hard his damage ender hits.

Ah thatā€™s higher than I thought for him. Itā€™s pretty common to start at around 17-19% unbreakable and get over 30% one chance. Anything above 30% is gravy as far as Iā€™m concerned, because you donā€™t always do one chance and then the damage is like 50%+ for everyone if they guess and are wrong.

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This is actually something Iā€™ve been wanting to make a chart or something for to compare one-chance damage across the cast. I might do that tonight, actually!

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Are we counting instinct one chances as well?

Yeah, Iā€™ll put that in the chart too.

Hereā€™s the chart. Sorry for the really bad color choices, Iā€™ll do something about that later. Thereā€™s some interesting stuff I noticed but Iā€™ll save that for its own topic.