Platinum Gargos!

The one you have on lol

Oh the avatar. Yes, I like it.

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terminator Gargos

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Uggā€¦ I really donā€™t want to pay $30 just for two skins! :sob:


I do hope they release the skin separately later. A nice price of Ā£2-3 would be great, cause I ainā€™t got the money to spend 40 quid on the DE, but I donā€™t think we should get it for free.

Anyone done a video of these in action yet, now the codes are working? Or want to?
Iā€™d love to get a closer look but the retail DE got delayed a week in the UK for some reason.

Personally I really would like to see more colours added to the gameā€¦ yes, Iā€™m aware Iā€™m saying this just after 52 new skins literally just came out and no, the irony is not lost on me.

Weā€™ve still got a few more Ultimate Source skins to come, but those will be a while away since they keep getting pushed back. Off the top of my headā€¦

Jago 11 (Soundlink)
Spinal 10 (I think UA Bass has this.)
TJ Combo 10
Orchid 10 (11 if you consider the holiday colour)
Cinder 10

All of these except Orchid have been previewed already on streams and at exposure, but I donā€™t have them to hand right now.
Speaking of holiday Orchid, promo skins and accessories would be nice again too. But this is all for another topic really.