PCK Wrap up of the Season

Congrats to HW Hologram for becoming your #PCK 2017 Champion! @xXHoLoGrAmXxx

What a night it was saturday, So many insane matches, Comebacks, back & forth matches, some washes, upsets & 100+ Viewers watching for almost 6 freaking hours. Just amazing stuff from all the competitors

Your Top 3 of the PCK Killer Cup Online Invitational 2017 is,
1st HW Hologram
2nd ST LemonHunter
3rd MnT Letalis

If you missed out on seeing the hype competition you can see it here @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OswxqmJDJUc

We want to Thank everyone for making #PCK what it is today.
Its not an easy job what we do & it really takes the drive of the competitors & newer players that want to get better that makes these things successful.

I never thought in since PCK has started that we would have given out over 1.1k worth in prizes & cash! Truly a surprise.
Everyone Thank Fight Sessions , Tfc Beads , The Shame Team , Ultimate Source , Bv Gaming & Eliot Graham - KI Epics & everyone else that has donated to PCK over our lifetime so far to hit that amazing mark.

We want to encourage everyone to keep playing, grinding out, & dont ever think your not good enough to join us! With that mindset you never will be, you gotta put in the time & effort to get better. Find that drive, Join us & figure out what works better for you etc.

Over the last month alot of yall have been asking when will there be a season 3 of #PCK, I love that yall have been “begging” so to speak for another one since it shows the love for #KillerInstinct & this community.

At this time we can not say if PCK will have a season 3 or not right now as our schedule is packed with offlines events like Big Money Battle For Broke 2K17 - SETX FGC Yearly Major Nov 19th, Northeast Championship 18 (NEC18) Dec 15th & Kumite in Tennessee 2018 Jan 6th & all around the busiest holiday times of the year.

We can say that we still plan to be here in the KI Community as long as people like yall still wanna have fun & #PlayKI
We do plan to do some holiday type themed tournaments but nothing official yet until at a later time.

With that said Thank you everyone for what yall have done for Me (Pharroh), & making PCK what it is today


Congratulations to the players :smiley:

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Congrats to @xXHoLoGrAmXxx @STLemonHunter and @MnTLetalis for their hardwork and dedication towards KI.


Finally got a chance to watch Top 8. Great tournament @PCKPharrohYami, and thanks for putting in the work and hosting it! Good job to all the competitors as well :+1:t5:

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Top 8 as fun stuff. I had a blast. Next time I’ll go further.

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Will be looking forward to it :slight_smile:

But I don’t ever want to see you backing off Aganos after you’ve stripped his chunks ever again :disappointed_relieved:

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He has 2 bars. Honesty i was afraid of approach after i got whiffed punished with his st heavy punch.

I think you should look at my games with lemon. I was winning in both games. Then i backed off and jet him gain momentum. I had no business losing either of those games.

The bars are a lot less scary than the chunks. Make him spend a bar trying to get you off of him if you have to. Aganos doesn’t get anything off shadow ruin, so even if you get tagged you’re still in a better position than sitting at midscreen and letting him chunk back up. Maul him when he’s chunkless - Aganos’ defense is bad when he doesn’t have armor.

I watched them. You got vortexed and died. It happens (that crap is hard to block). For the record, it’s part of the reason I dislike Fulgore. I don’t think a character with his toolset needs a vortex.

Eh. But i was winning lol and I’ve played him to many times to get down to “vortex to death”.

He is good but i was out neutraling him until i let him get his game started.

Maybe I’m just godlike ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (I’m sorry, couldn’t resist)