
Anyone else having overwatch withdrawals? I heard the beta got extended by a day (seriously has there ever been a beta that wasn’t extended by a day?) but by the time i got home it was over. Tried playing TF2 but it’s not the same!


Yessir! I had so much fun in the beta the gameplay was so addicting especially with friends! Can’t wait for the 24th hopefully DOOM is good enough to hold me over until then.

I made it worse by watching Heroes of the Storm on Twitch for a while, and one in particular played Tracer for 5 games straight.

My soul hurt from the withdrawals. Lol

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Bastion is my favorite so far, with Tracer and 76 as runner ups.

I’m excited to see where this game goes!

im also suffering withdrawals, lol. i decided to fire up deus ex human revolution again, that game is sooooo good. anyway, waiting on the end of may to buy overwatch! im definitely sticking to it, it was alot of fun

Everyone hates Bastion , except me


Why everyone are complains about this robot?.. Really? But Genji could destroy him! : )

Bastion is not even that bad people hate him because I noticed a lot of people rarely work together in combos. Everyone just tries to get kills while playing the objective at times instead of supporting eachother to get the kills and objective.

Genji beats Bastion solo easily
Windowmaker behind a reinhardt
Roadhog can just chain him
Mcree and Hanzo can just go in and out of cover and kill him in a few shots especially if he has back up
Tracer and just teleport and sticky
Pharah behind a reinhardt and the list goes on


Yeah, I really didn’t see a problem with Bastion. Lol most of my kills were Bastion, to be honest. XD




Lol, whole team of bastions died to our genji counter picks. He’s easy prey, just press E for deflect

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Pretty nice what they did here!

Now where is the JUNKER short I want?


It’s a shame this game doesn’t have a single player of sorts. The characters and lore are so damn interesting.


Do not mess with Genji!

He could kill you when you blink! XD

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I’ve been watching all of the animated shorts–they are really well done. It’s funny, Overwatch and Killer Instinct both have sort of similar things going on where a lot of characters are based on common tropes–and both casts are full of wonderfully unique characters. It makes me pine for character-building shorts like this for the KI cast, even though I know the budget between these games is probably nowhere near the same. One day, man! ;_;

Whens the bastion animated short ? It should be just 10 minutes of bastion in his turret mode just sitting there waiting , he gets 1 kill at the end of the game and still gets player of the game


Genji. <3
Another metal ninja on my list of husbandos.

You know, I’d be going on about how they need a Tracer short but this entire game has already been Tracer-ized to death at this point.


This one was definitely really cool though, as they all have been. My favorite so far. I wish I could play Genji better though.


She was already in a short though (the 2nd one), and had a cameo in the first. I’m sure she will have one of her own at some point.

I’m pretty sure that she’s been in almost every trailer for this game except some few about specific characters. She’s on the cover of the game, and she’s the first thing you see when you boot it up too. I’m pretty sure she has an origin trailer somewhere too. She has enough at this point.