Orchid's KI2 retro

I want to say “idk” because like I said I believe their original/first appearance is the classic/retro look so KI1 Orchid should be that look but most of us know the answer…people just want to see her with the butt floss outfit from KI2 and have now convinced themselves the reason it’s not in is because of some SJW Illuminati boogyman trying to bring in a new world order of no hot women in fictional media lol

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According to some unnamed DH devs, they had this original costume working in-game but they scrapped it at last second for an unknown reason and had to whip up a new outfit very quickly (probably why it looks as bad as it does). For the record, Microsoft has never officially given a statement as to why.

For me its about keeping the status quo. If the reason was that Orchid’s butt hanging out was a little too much I would challenge that argument with the following. Sadira’s modern is basically Orchids retro except red instead of green imo.

Sadira’s crotch is fine I guess.

So really it makes no sense. I’m sure they will never go on the record telling us why but oh well. For me it’s not really about orchid’s butt, it more about preserving the original retro. The one currently in-game is a mesh of the two for some reason. The hair and leggings are wrong.

For real though lol.[quote=“Demonicsouth, post:11, topic:17473, full:true”]
Man I’d pay 10 bucks for this, they’ll reach that 1 mil in no time

Same lol.

Aw yes! Would be very neat rescue her KI2 model among the insane look of KI2 Sabrewulf and KI2 Fulgore looks fantastic.
Bring it on Iron Galaxy!

For the record, I’m well aware of your stance on the KI2 Orchid design. If I haven’t contributed to the several other threads you have posted in about it I have at least browsed them.

Personally I’d rather them move forward and come up with something more awesome, which to me would be something similar to Black Widow’s suit in the Avengers movies. Bonus points if they throw in Baroness (GI Joe) glasses.

I’m pretty over it as well at this point especially seeing how a sequel is probably in the works soon anyway; but as we’ve seen with this thread the topic still gets brought up every so often so I usually tend to chime in as to why it makes no sense.

For me, I’m still waiting for the Joanna Dark Cosplay outfit for Orchid since the dream is dead for her as an actual character.

The retro weapons are wrong as well. The editor in the comparison photo got it right- her original sabers had a more Star Wars glowing ‘knife’ edge and extended only when she punched, or ichi in SAN force combo

DH made the glass tubes that look like those thick pool sticks they buy from Wal-Mart for summer fun

Sorry but I have to always add that to the mis-proportioned boots/hairstyle question as well.
Also note that Orchids unitard sleeves and neckline do not even have the gold ring seams that are clearly visible on her arm. ;(

REALLY hoping she gets a great new costume and accessories / hair

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Old thread but had to stop by and say, hey… Cosplayers have your back lol