Only one character with Definitive edition on PC?

I have installed the definitive edition on my daughters PC. Only have one floating character. Cannot select any others. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Has the game fully loaded in? It’ll let you play while it’s doing it.
Maybe try restarting the pc over and see if that helps. Sometimes a reboot fixes it

Thanks for reply. Think I’m gonna do a reinstall and see what happens.

No probs. Let us know if it fixes it. If it doesn’t we can tag one of the mods or devs to help you

Hey. One thing I noticed when I tried to create an account for this forum on her PC, it is giving me an message. It says "There was a problem logging in to Xbox live. Please insure your account has access to Xbox live and try again"
Cant help but feel this could be related somehow to accessing the content on the definitive edition as well. Your thoughts on how to get account accessing xbox live?

Do you have an xbox live account? Maybe the problem is that the game needs verified first before it downloads everything.

Yes. Have xbox live account. Reinstalled definitive again. Same thing, one character.

Is your PC’s timezone set accurately? That has caused issues in the past, try to reset it and then start the game.

The time was on auto, and time and time zone was correct. Trying something different today. We’ll see.

Ok. Now problem is resolved. I went to the old Xbox360 and got my daughters current profile downloaded. Don’t know why that would have anything to do with it as I read this game only works on Xbox one and this is PC version anyway, but afterwards, all the items in the bundle purchase showed up. Game is fantastic. I had this game back in the Nintendo days and my kids picked it up and loved it. Now they all have there own pc and my daughter was driving me nuts to get this game on hers. Now we will take on each other on line :slight_smile: Any way, thanks for your concern and support on this. This appears to be a great KI community.