OK S3 and gargos are here šŸ˜€ BUT!

You have experienced users asking for details about how you play and why specifically you feel she needs increased damage (other than ā€œBecause I want itā€), as well as offering their opinions and personal experience, and your responses are completely discounting everything they are saying without anything more than casual conjecture to back it up. You also started with an entirely clickbait, non-descriptive title.

Your posts (in particular the responses to the other members) are not going to engender much support among the community as long as you continue to act this way. You should be grateful for the offers of assistance people have extended, and work with them to increase your understanding of S3 Sadira, because itā€™s possible the faults are in your playstyle and what youā€™re trying to do with her, rather than the character itself being too weak. Particularly because there hasnā€™t been a big outpouring of complaint by Sadira mains.


A small few notable players are whining on Twitter, which may or may not have spurred this post.

Itā€™s honestly depressing to see notable players succumbing to scrub mentality, even if only briefly.

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As a general note, it isnā€™t necessary to tag someone more than once in a single post. I think you tagged Adam something like 5 times :sweat:

Sadira is fine. I still pull her out as a secondary on occasion, and generally do well with her. She doesnā€™t hit like an mf-in truck anymore, but she doesnā€™t do poor damage either.

And the purpose of a setup is to give you a better opportunity for future damage. If youā€™re going to play Sadira (in any season), then you should know that. Damage isnā€™t always the end-all-be-all - sometimes itā€™s beneficial to forego upfront damage to get the better setup later.


You do? :open_mouth:

Lol JK.

But yeah, I agree with Storm. She has so many tools to get in, you really donā€™t need to have damage. Itā€™s like Shadow Jago. Crazy Mixups and setups, but low damage.

Sadira doesnā€™t need to hit like a horse and due 70% to 80% damaging combos with one bar to be amazing. I RARELY win matches with mega damage combos. In fact, what makes Sadira so amazing is her ability to get in, do some damage, and get out.

The fact is this, most KI pros that I see regularly do 30% to 40% hard to break combos over more risky high damage combos.

Also, Sadiraā€™s damage is comparable to just about any other character. I donā€™t see her lacking in the damage area.

Yeah, I donā€™t get 88% damage while in Instinct Mode any more, but when you consider all of her added options, if she retained her damage from previous Seasons, she would be worse than Rash.

Despite what some forum members think, Sadira is NOT an easy character to be good with, and it takes a LOT of time and patience to utilize all of her tools.

There are only a few MUs that I struggle with, and those arenā€™t because the other character is just too overpowered (well there is Rashā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Sadira still has some of the best mobility in the gameā€¦
She still has some of the craziest mixupsā€¦
Her Instinct is still one of the deadliest in the entire gameā€¦

How is she underpowered?

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What the heā€¦ I, what? Sadira has a dedicated damage ender now and it does great damage, am I missing something here?

Sadira hit much harder in S2. Recluse was always her damage ender, it was just a combination exchange ender as well (similar to how Thunderā€™s damage ender was also a hard knockdown/setup ender). Itā€™s actually still her max damage cashout option, as shadow recluse is still her level +1 ender.

I was always of the mindset that Sadira really didnā€™t need another ender option - she got along rather fine with only two, and adding the third dropped the damage on the others and changed their utility somewhat to compensate. I predicted this would be the result of adding a third ender, which was why I used to fight the suggestion so much in the Sadira sub-forum.

I know she hit much harder considering each web was registered as a fierce. That made her so broken though all the way back to S1 with her one chance break up until the end of Season 2 with her ender glitch. Nonetheless, she does great damage for the type of character she is.

Point is, I never saw her as having bad damage whatsoever when she does great damage as is.

I was actually referring to her outside of instinct. Sadira actually hit really, really hard in S2, even apart from the shenanigans she could pull in instinct.

Her damage output now is still pretty decent, but thereā€™s a definite gap between how hard she hits now and how hard she hit then. TC is wildly overblowing how much this damages her as a viable character, but he isnā€™t wrong that she generally hits noticeably lighter than she used to.

Nerfed season 1???

did you see the new glacius???

I like Sadira more now in S3 than I ever have. Sheā€™s (still) awesome.

Sadira does MEGA damage!!! What are you talking about??? She can level 4 almost quicker than anyone!

I dont know what game you are playing but the one I am playing Sadira is a beast! The reason why some have dropped her is because they are tired of playing the same characters and want to play someone newā€¦and thatā€™s okā€¦maybe you should too?

Yes S3 characters seem too hit hard, but one of the main reasons they seem to hit so hard is because you lack the match up knowledge and you get hit a lot more than you would against Jago that you have been playing against for 2.5 years.

Learn the match ups and you will change your mind.


Fair enough but that can be said about everyone and their 15% damage decrese. Even a powerhouse like Thunder does less damage as well.

Iā€™m just saying for a charactwr who has crazy potential mix ups, great mobility and a solid instinct has damage at a reasonable position. At least in my perspective.