No Shadow Orchid

This is exactly my point, people want fully fleshed out brand new and unique characters that will more than likely not come until either S4 or less likely a sequel. As I said before the next two characters will more than likely be remix characters which seems like a great opportunity to put in some of the lesser liked ideas to become a reality and leave the more popular ones to kick off the next season in all its glory. Keep in mind remix characters are not in any way shape or form bad, my favorite character in this game omen is the mascot for remix characters and to me is so ■■■■■■■ cool along side shago and now the terminator death bot himself Kilgore.

So is the dislike of shorchid just because she’s a “shadow” character? I mean no one complains about kilgore but if he had been named shadow fulgore would he be hated as well even though the only difference is the name?


Auto barrage?

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I’m sure some people are still seeing it as a blue Orchid.
But the term Shadow Orchid was used a while ago by the devs as an example…I’m pretty sure right now if we get an Orchid like character it will be more like a remix character like Omen and Kilgore, which means there are a lot more options to use for such a character…

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I think I was in the minority wanting ent/treant/dendroid Aganos, haha, shame.:confused:


Its more about the theme than the idea of an Orchid remix.

It would be the same thing as having Fulgore + Kilgore then people saying "Man I would really like to see a clunky prototype ARIA too! They should add KIL-RIA! Well, no thanks we already have one prototype robot clone, lets not add another just because the first one was cool. Or if they added the TJ Combo shark-man only to add in Kan-Ra dolphin because why not.

Its one thing to have a clone character but rehashing the same theme for several clones is downright stupid. If you thought clones were bad enough, try adding several clones of clones and see where that gets you. Now if the proposed Orchid remix was a sabre tooth cat-woman who shared some of Orchid’s moves, yeah that would be pretty badass but another Shadow Jago? No, that theme has been done and isn’t worth revisiting.

The very idea of clones goes against the fundamental properties of what makes KI great, a unique and diverse cast of characters. Each and every character is unique and has personality, even among the human cast they all have a wide array of looks and feels that make them one of a kind. Having 3 shadow clone characters would not only take away from what makes Shago great but it wouldn’t show any originality or personality that the devs always weave into their characters. Even Omen being a half-■■■ stop-gap bonus character in season two has oodles of personality so adding in another smoky Omen fighter would just be plain boring wouldn’t it? I recall the devs saying at one point that they didn’t want to give Shago his own moves because they didn’t want just another Jago on the roster, or something along those lines…

Clone characters suck, I wish we didn’t have to have any of them and that everyone could be 100% original but if you have to have clones lets not rehash the damn themes and have several stagnant copies of copies on the roster.


I completely agree.
As I just said in another thread:

I don’t want shadow orchid per se. Only want her if they redesign her face

This is my new favorite thing…

As far as Shadow Orchid, I didn’t vote for her. But I don’t think campaigning against democracy is ever a good idea. If they have an 80% complete Shorchid you think they will throw her out and create a new original character instead?


Theres also the fact that Microsoft had been pushing battle toads a bit more recently. And rash was suppose to be in ki2 to start with. Just more reasons why he made more sense than Joanna


I think it’s safe to assume that;

1-Kilgore is technically Shadoe-Fulgore, if that makes any snese.

2-If this is the case it doesn’t mean she’ll literally be like Shadow Jago. Assuming how this turns out.

That’s basically the gist I can think of.

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As long as we get eagle first! He’s way more important.

You are right, if Shorchid makes it, she doesn’t have to be like Jago-Shago.

But if she is not, a lot people will complain because they wanted Orchid with shadow skin (similar to Shago) with a twist on her gameplay.

Kilgore makes my hopes raise: he is a “shadow Fulgore”, yet unique and fun. Shorchid could follow that way, being unique and fun too.

I have no doubts about all characters being unique in terms of gameplay. All characters are unique, gameplay wise. I just hope they are also unique as individuals

But we didn’t vote if we want originals or shadows. Shadow Orchid was first among remixed characters but we took kilgore (i m happy about that). The thing is the presentation of the new characters poll. Like, if the poll was like: choose the character you want the most, 1. troll, 2. gun woman, 3. Native american, 4. wendigo, 5. Lovecraftian… i mean it is obvious that people chose personallities over archtypes, and that is a little unfair. Would we ever choose hisako or aganos in an imaginary poll during season 2 if their option button was a ghost or a golem word, over words like Shadow Jago?

Yeah that, auto barrage.

It’s a little bit too late to complain about Shadow Orchid if she is one of the other two characters.


Well, I am going to play her anyway. In the case that she is already in i hope she is a cat.

How are the devs getting tired of the game when shadow orchid was one of the most fan requested characters. There would be no interest on their part to make the character if the majority of us didn’t want it. Despite what the vocal minority say on here. Every day there’s something else to complain about around here. :pensive: IG and MS continue to do a great job as far as I’m concerned.

I am saying tired because of all these remixed characters conversation. Shadow Orchid was first among other remixed characters, not among characters in general and we already have Kilgore(who is great). As i said i just don’t want a shadow version of Orchid, similar to Shadow Jago. I think this would rather take things from her than the opposite. A tiger woman would be much better imo. Even better if she had no connection to Orchid.

IG and MS are the best ever developers. The game is the best game ever. I will follow anything they’ll do. Let’s go season 4.