New Jurassic World Movie

Film title and release date both officially revealed AND given now :grin: :smile: :grinning: :smiley: :sunglasses: :+1:

Don’t know how to feel about this one. I hope it’s good and that it leans far more into the horror aspects of the novel, but I doubt it. Here’s hoping though that it does and that it’s better than “Dominion”.

Jurassic Park and Jurassic World both have horror aspects to them, you say? :open_mouth: :hushed:

The first one did, but the novel was MUCH more horror-based, so much so that, had it been adapted verbatim into film, it would have been a hard ‘R’.

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Cool if true, although I’d take that with a grain of salt.

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Looks promising, but we’ll have to wait and see on this one. Hopefully it’s good, if not great.

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Somewhat encouraging news. Kind of iffy on David Koepp being involved; on one hand, certainly, he was one of the writers on the first JP film along with JP author Michael Crichton, but at the same time, though, he wrote “The Lost World”, which was crap. The news about having the science grounded and staying true to the roots of the first film is promising, but at the same time the news about the humor has me kind of worried that the movie might be sillier or far more humorous than it should be. It’s early days, so we’ll have to wait and see on that front.

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Not surprising tbh.

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Indeed, and I concur too