New Games on your playlist for 2019?

Er… if you say so. We can agree she’s busty.

I don’t know if it makes sense to compare this:

To the new version anyway.

all they did was give her an extra layer, and the sports bra doin what its meant to. theyre just a bit more hidden i guess you could say.


If that works for you great. All I know is that she looked like polygon boonbs with some other body parts added as an afterthought to me while the new version looks at least possible (if improbable). I’m less concerned about the details of her dimensions and whether the design makes me cringe and whether it makes sense in the context of the game. Cindy’s design in FFXV makes no sense, and is clearly there for only one reason - which you have correctly identified. No one walks around the real world, anywhere, dressed like a pinup girl. Her outfit is outlandish and it’s not just a bit sexed up. It’s inexplicable unless you assume its there to titillate. It’s a “sexy mechanic” Halloween costume. If you like that, that’s great. But I find it off-putting.

Tifa is in a completely different category. Yes she’s sexy. I don’t have any problem with sexy (I love sexy). But her design looks like it’s in the outside edge of plausible. If Tifa walked down the street she would get a lot of looks but not arrested for indecency. Certainly she’s believable in the context of the world of FFVII. A mini skirt and midriff top make some sense for a waitress at a bar/nightclub (I recall some vague insinuation that Tifa might be involved in some other “trade” as well - although don’t quote me) and she looks cool not embarrassing. I think if people would stop escalating everything to screaming and name calling all the time they would discover that many if not most critics of female designs in games are not looking to erase sexy women from games.

I honestly don’t think it’s a sports bra and I don’t think they put a black undershirt on her to make her less risqué. I would suspect it’s just to add some additional visual interest to her outfit - which is pretty plain. Considering it’s a Japanese design it’s sort of amazing that she doesn’t have a whole lot more in terms of extraneous buckles or ribbons etc. so I doubt it has anything to do with covering her up. She has always been pretty well covered by video game standards and I suspect the thigh highs are similarly a design for visual interest rather than to reduce the amount of visible flesh (which would be silly).

As far as what the Japanese are or are not upset about, I would take that with a grain of salt. I’ve been to Japan and despite the popular notion, gaming is as much a subculture there as anywhere. The streets are not filled with people reading hentai and buying panties out of vending machine. Sure there are lots of obvious cultural differences on display (including sometimes astonishing levels of casual and accepted sexism, which I don’t think is something to celebrate). But they have more than their share of repressive social norms and people who tsk at the idea of games and loose women parading around in skimpy clothes.

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i didnt find cindy off putting because the realm she exists in is fantasy, but you come off like you want your girls more modest which is fine. i just find it extremely amusing thinking of your reaction if i showed you a music video they play at our taco restaurants down here. you’d probably have a heart attack, or nod in approval and chug your beer. i hope it’d be the latter, but you make me doubt you good sir lolol, i am kidding around though. cindy however was extremely popular in the cosplay circles

like who? im genuinely interested to know if you got this info. im all for great art work and aesthetics. i dont mind if some girls in games look more modest yet feminine either.

agreed, i think its to add more to her get up than anything. the old school 97 look would be pretty plain jane by today’s standards and i suspect people wouldve complained about it if she had stayed that way. back then you couldnt really do much with polycount and texture maps on a 32bit system. we got more horsepower in our gaming set ups and thus, costumes should be and will be more elaborate. her rack getting covered up more is just something that happened with the change and is causing alot of online debate atm.

that i do understand, im mostly referring to their gamers over there. sucks about the panties and the hentai though…but i do want to go over there regardless to see their car scene. its utterly sick, and i would probably fanboy so hard at the sight of a GTR R34 while they roll their eyes at me. i mean, the ■■■■■■■ car to them is their version of a mustang or camaro. they’re everywhere lol, meanwhile us saps over here on the west gotta pay 6 figures for a car thats 20 years old. some day…some day. gonna go buy a lotto ticket now

Just from actually listening to people and talking to them rather than leaping up with my pitchfork and torch to say “you can’t take away our ■■■■ and ■■■ you ■■■■■■■ SJW!”

This is always a little offensive. The idea that if you don’t think visual sex appeal should be the sole driving force for every depiction of women in media that you must just “not be able to handle” the idea of sex or sexy girls while the real men have a good chuckle over it. I’m sure I’ve seen stuff with my own two eyes that would make the girls in your taco video avert their gaze and/or run screaming from the room. All of the various things I may or may not be into as far as sex are irrelevant. If you like S&M or bestiality or tentacle ■■■■ or granny sex, that’s great. That doesn’t mean all of that stuff belongs in The Legend of Zelda. As an aside, I lived in Texas for five years. You have your share of people who won’t drink or dance, dry counties and blue laws. It’s not like weirdos in LA invented the idea that sexuality is bad and are now inflicting it on the cowboys. So you can save me your “you should see how we do it round here,” schtick.

If you want to put bikini mud wrestlers in your beer commercial, that’s fine with me. I’m sure it sells beer. If you want strippers at your strip club that’s great. If GTA wants to have strip bars and hookers that’s fine by me - it makes sense for that world and is appropriate. Ditto a brothel in Red Dead Redemption (which I assume exists even though I haven’t played the game). I thought the dance club in Mass effect was fine. But Miranda in Mass Effect 2 wasn’t. When it’s just blatant pandering it’s jarring and it detracts from the experience. Cindy makes no sense in FFXV. The fact that the world is fantasy doesn’t just explain any incongruous things you might see. If they threw in a whole town of dudes in gimp suits with ■■■-less chaps and banana hammocks on it would look out of place. Not because I’m opposed to (or scared of or offended by or too delicate for) bondage but because it doesn’t make sense to be there.

And I didn’t run to the internet to protest Cindy and say Square needs to change her outfit. I just didn’t like it. But I’m already seeing a bunch of triggered videos from people trying to stir up anger about how they “censored” Tifa. Tifa looks awesome. Why can’t that be enough? If they decided to take out all the upskirt shots is that really ruining the character?

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Tifa’s remake design is along the same lines of the dozens of cameos she’s had over the past 20 years in Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia and such, as do all the other characters and there was never any reason to believe her look would turn out otherwise. Not sure why it’s a concern now other than how the internet likes to spin its wheels over same topics all the time that it never wants to give up.

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People need clicks on videos. Angry people click more and comment more so there’s always someone trying to make people angry.

negativity makes that mad cash son

your 1st paragraph, thats a good rant there buddy. heres another shtick for you, i still think you should go eat at that taco joint. their musical taste is total ■■■■, because ■■■■ reggaeton, but the food there is great!

as for FF7 cant wait to see red 13, vincent, yuffi, cid. i just hope this remake doesnt go beyond 2 seperate releases. its to my understanding the 1st part will cover midgar with extra additions to that part of the game being added. i would expect the shinra tower infiltration to be the end and then we get hit with a cliffhanger.back to tifa, like i said had they left her alone it wouldnt be enough. they change her outfit a little, its BS. theres no way to please everyone.

red dead 2 seemed like it was going to have whores to interact with in the bars or hotels but they dont do anything. all they do is say a couple lines and you only turn them away. i think rock star wanted to avoid trouble so gaming journo rags wouldnt rail on the game, or the twitter mobs starting BS.

mass effect 2 i know nothing about, nor do i know who miranda is. i played some of the first game and that was it. my bro started to hog it and so i got deeper into PC games at the time. i do know that ME3s ending was a train wreck and it was a major controversy. ironically, we have me2 still in its box, unused. he never got to play it and i never did either.

Thanks. It’s always nice when my work is appreciated.

If I am ever down your way I will give it a try.

Yeah, they’ve been a bit unclear about that. I don’t actually remember the original all that well (I should probably grab the Switch version and play through it). I think they will get some serious flack if the break the game up too much but it seems like they are adding significantly to the gameplay as well. So we will see. I don’t think I’ve seen any information as far as the cost yet either. People will sour very quickly if each episode is a full cost release.

FF7 being divided into multiple releases is reminiscent of starcraft 2. blizzard announced that the game would be cut into 3 parts, 1 game per race’s campaign with terran, zerg, and protoss. iirc each release did have you paying full price, or at least 40 bucks for 2nd and 3rd games. the back lash was pretty bad

the 1st game had all 3 campaign champagnes, wtf? but then it made sense. the campaigns were done really well and each had a great story. they also had extra abilities not available in multiplayer for you to pick to enhance your army with and shoved some replay in there at the same time. you can go a different way in the next play through by going with another set of upgrades. they were basically a full game each

FF7 being hacked up into 2 or 3 parts is going to be a tough pill to swallow, but theres the chance theyll each be special in their own way. my concern is the game being finished before 2030

Well…I did it again… I started another new game when I know I shouldn’t due to the fact I have 50 other games I haven’t finished yet lol

Days Gone!
Its really good so far! I don’t care for the UI and interaction symbols/UI… but the story and gameplay are great! THe story is really great! It feels like The last of Us meet Sons of Anarchy/The Walking Dead…so far so good!

SO currently working on…
Days Gone
Metro Exodus
A Plague Tale
And a ton of other games lol

Lol. I’ve just stopped keeping track of the games I’ve bought that I haven’t beaten or even played. Think I’ve got 5 games on Steam in the latter category, and a dozen or so in the former :sweat_smile:

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I have been pretty disciplined as of late.

First finished RE2R, then bought DMC5 and I have played nothing but this game on the X1.
I almost started up RDR2 (PS4) but I figured that it would come at the expense of DmC5 so I ended up not plugging in my PS4. Still wiped the dust off of my PS4 so that is a good thing I guess…

Next week it will be Samurai Showdown for the foreseeable future, so I need to clear devil may cry this weekend.

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add trials of mana to my list when i crawl into bed with the switch. thats a great RPG! im really enjoying it so far. im also still on the mordhau trip, that game just doesnt stop with the comedy gold. they added a new map and a couple new weapons. for the lols the javelin is where its at, especially when you chuck the damned thing blind and you nail some poor ■■■■■■■ right in the head lol

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I preorderd Samurai shodown but honestly i think I might cancel it… I dont see myself playing it enough to justify the price. I think Ill wait and get it cheaper after seeing if its any good or not.

Better to cancel it and try later. Game has a distinct feel to it. It may be better to try first.

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No kidding. Square has a history of going super expensive and experimental with the development of Final Fantasy and having projects continuously collapse around them until they’re forced to finally put out a product after years and years. I still remember Versus XIII, and how it ultimately became XV which still was considered lukewarm and spent a long time in salvage mode after its release.

It’s hard not to be worried when they’ll have to hit the mark around 3 times in a row for this remake, especially when they’ve said the next episodes of it probably won’t come any faster than the first.

im gonna be ■■■■■■■ 50 years old by the time this whole remake is done -_-

Welp so far some of the game sI had did disappoint me to a degree but we’re still good games. Though one that is one our list now is Super Mario Maker 2.